Young Jump Ig Nobel manga (pt 1)

The manga magazine Young Jump has written a two-part series about the history of the Ig Nobel Prizes. Here, below, are a few (non-sequential) pages from part 1, which was published on August 26. (The magazine’s cover is reproduced here, at right.)

Part 1 features the founding of the Igs and of the magazine Annals of Improbable Research, and a few highlights from ceremonies. We see one of the inventors of Bow-Lingual, the computer-based dog-language-to-human-language translation device, and his son, who accompanied him dressed in a dog suit. We also see the incident in which Sir Robert May, chief scientific adviser to the British government, tried to ban the awarding of Ig Nobel Prizes to British scientists. We see other things…

UPDATE: Here’s a link to Part 2