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Three Green Lantern Movies In Three Years

That's what a production staff dude was bragging about.

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Based on the reaction of Ryan Reynolds reciting the Green Lantern oath at Comic-Con, it's safe to say people are excited about the movie. As is the standard for most movies, it's likely that he even signed a sequel clause when he was cast as Hal Jordan. We can most likely assume the movie will do well and the chance of a sequel would be good. It turns out, there's some rumblings that filming for the second movie is planned before the first is even released. 
That we can assume is simply a rumor. According to Bleeding Cool, a chatty production staff worker was bragging about the next movie. He said Warner Bros. was so confident in the first that they already have plans to use New Orleans once again for Coast City in a sequel. Green Lantern 2 would be announced for a Summer or Christmas 2012 release, depending on when the Flash movie was released. 
There's more. Apparently if Warner Bros. sees green at the box office, they will greenlight a third Green Lantern movie set for a 2013 release. That's a lot of speculation. 
 == TEASER == 
First of all, I would say the chances of a second being planned already is not possible. Look at Superman Returns I'm sure everyone thought it was going to jump start the Superman franchise. As much as Warners wants another superhero franchise, they can't risk the chance of it failing. Another issue is where does this put Reynolds with his Deadpool commitments? Does he even have any obligation to that since they're still trying to figure out if Robert Rodriguez would direct it.  
Having three Green Lantern movies filmed back to back with a movie coming out each year would be great. I just can't see it happening.