Film of the Month:

Crystals in Caves

Beautiful and immense caves, like this one in Mexico, were formed over thousands of years and discovered by accident.

Chemical processes occurring deep within the Earth have created these amazing structures.

Watch our short video to discover how these breathtaking crystals are made.

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What are you teaching today?

Earth Science
Human Geography

Twig Science Reporter

Twig Science Reporter brings news worthy science from around the world into your classroom.

Check out this week's new episode: Storms, swarms, and 2024 so far!

Go to Twig Science Reporter

Words of the week



A high-pressure weather system with winds spiraling outwards from the center.

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The lower and most dense part of the atmosphere, extending to an altitude of about 11km at the equator and 20km at the poles.

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The study of climate, long-term weather patterns and behaviour, rather than its short-term fluctuations.

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Twig's film list

Twig features over 1700 award-winning short films. Download Twig's film list to browse through our extensive library of three-minute films for Science, Maths and Geography.

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