Central United Methodist Church Stephen Ministry

A Community for Christ in the Center of the City.

(Why do we exist?)

Walking hand in hand in times of need.

(How do we behave?)  

Nonjudgemental, Confidential, Respectful, Prayerful, Compassionate, Attentive, Encouraging

(What do we do?)

We commit to listening, praying, and caring for one another.

Hear the testimonies of Stephen Minister Care Receivers

I would like to be contacted by a Stephen Minister

How do I know if becoming a Stephen Minister is for me?

If this is YOU. God can make a difference in people's lives through YOU!

Here is how to become a Stephen Minister at Central UMC:

Hear from a Stephen Minister on the process and what it's like to become a Stephen Minister

I joined the Stephen Ministry to increase my faith by being of service to others. My experience has been a continual blessing! The learning provided by the initial training as well as the ongoing training opportunities has increased my abilities to communicate with all personalities in all of my relationships… personal and professional. As a retired RN, I thought my communication skills were excellent: HA! I learned so much! I had hoped to be a Blessing to my Care Receivers, and to my fellow Stephen Ministers, but I have found that it is often myself being Blessed by them! This Ministry continues to strengthen my walk with the Lord in every area of my life.” 

-Submitted by one of Central’s Stephen Ministers

Our Stephen Ministers in Action

Stephen Minister Leadership at Central

Rev. Lisa Rettew
Cindy Oak
Kris Booker