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Why You Don't Need An iPad

Updated Jul 27, 2012, 02:14pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

These are Steve Jobs' people. Most of the hundreds geeks waiting in line to buy their iPad at the Apple store in Palo Alto, California, Saturday morning brought their iPhones. Many more of them have one of Apple's Macintosh computers at home. And none of the people here are going to be doing anything really new once they unbox their shiny new touch-screen tablets. They will surf the web. They will read email. They'll buy electronic books.

They'll blog. Blogger Paul Mooney was second in line at the Apple store Saturday. He started waiting at 11 o'clock the night before. First in line? Another blogger, Robert Scoble. "This device will be obsolete in a year," Mooney admitted.

  • You tell us: are you buying an iPad? If so, what will you use it for. If not, what's your excuse? Comment below.

Not that the iPad isn't a very big thing. Apple will sell at least 6 million this year, according to Morgan Stanley. Even the basic $499 model will net Apple $269.65 after parts and manufacturing costs, tech tracker iSuppli estimates. The result: Apple is now worth $213.98 billion. That's more than Wal-Mart.

And why not? Apple is delivering a sure thing, rather than the next big thing: immersion in a digital world its customers already understand. The sealed 1/2-inch thick gizmo is not something anyone will have to experiment with to make useful. Unlike a PC, this isn't something hobbyists are encouraged to crack open and improve themselves.

Science fiction author Cory Doctorow doesn't like that. "I believe -- really believe -- in the stirring words of the Maker Manifesto: if you can't open it, you don't own it," Doctorow wrote in a blog post Friday urging readers not to buy one.

Closed or not, would-be customers already know how they'll use it. Doctor Claudio Palma uses medical applications built for the iPhone, such as Epocrates and OsiriX, in his day-to-day practice as a pain management specialist. The iPhone really shines, however, on his trips to Latin America with Operation Rainbow, where he helps by fielding general medical complaints as a team of orthopedic surgeons provide free surgeries to the needy.

Palma says he's diagnosed everything from exotic parasitic infections to late-stage breast cancer. To cope, one colleague wound up hauling around a pair of medical reference books through the Honduran jungle. "I'd whip out my iPhone and look something up in five seconds," Dr. Palma says. The iPad's 9.7-inch screen and 10-hour battery life will let him find and share information with patients and colleagues in the United States, and abroad, even more easily. He's sold.

So, of course, is Mooney, the blogger who is second in line at the Palo Alto Apple store. He's waiting with a friend, developer Stan Miasnikov, who plans to load his iPad up with the application he developed, WritePad, the moment he buys his iPad. He's one of many developers who have created applications for the iPad, using emulation software. He's never touched one of the devices. What does WritePad do? "You'll be able to do what you're doing now with pen and paper," Mooney tells this note-scribbling reporter.

Maybe it won't wipe out the pen and paper industry, but the iPad is not good news for laptops. "The laptop is going to be the rotary phone of our generation," says Shervin Pishevar, founder and executive chairman of game developer SGN. It's a good metaphor. The iPad doesn't deliver anything radically new. It's just a better way to access services consumers are already hooked on. If they weren't, they wouldn't be lining up for the iPad.