Can Kids Teach Themselves? Self-Organising Systems in Education

Kids Teaching Themselves (Credit: Google images)

Can kids teach themselves? Kids can teach themselves, can’t they?

In a self-organising way, using their own creativity, ingenuity, intelligence, and innovativeness.

Noticing patterns, noticing how things work: Can kids teach themselves?

Kids – teaching themselves.

What kind of learning is that?

Who can use it?

There’s a guy who is an expert on these kinds of questions.

His name is Sugata Mitra. I think he’s the best one to tell the story of self-organising systems in education.

You and I would say the kids are teaching themselves. And somehow, I think the story is bigger than that…

By the way, I’m a teacher of English. Let me quote something the kids said to Sugata Mitra:

“You’ve given us a computer that works only in English. So we’ve taught ourselves English in order to use it.” (End of quote)

Interesting. Very interesting…

Enjoy the video…

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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