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Writer Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton in 1949. Photograph: Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis
Enid Blyton in 1949. Photograph: Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis

The untold tales of Enid Blyton

This article is more than 13 years old
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After the discovery of a lost manuscript, we'd like your thoughts on what Enid Blyton's take on the modern world would be like

A hidden Enid Blyton gem has been discovered nestling among the dusty manuscripts of the late children's author's Secret Seven series. Mr Tumpy's Caravan, a 180-page fantasy novel, has been announced to the world following its unearthing by an archivist at the Seven Stories children's book centre in Newcastle.

News of the adventures of a thinking, walking caravan has excited numerous Blyton fans. It remains to be seen if a caravan can capture the public's imagination in the same way as Noddy and Big Ears.

And the idea of a 'new' Blyton manuscript provides food for thought. If the author – who once proclaimed she could knock out a book in a week – were to take on the issues of the day, what would be the result? From First Term at Malory Towers Free School to The Enchanted Wood that Stayed Under Forestry Commission Ownership we'd like to hear the titles and brief synopses of the great unwritten Blytons.

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