Exhibition Registration
Do you have a Project or Product that is your Idea Baby? Do you crave for the chance exhibit your projects to the public? Well.. Darpan'23 is the perfect platform for you.

Darpan'23, the annual techno-cultural fest of College of Engineering Aranmula presents Project Expo, a project exhibition open for all.


1. The contest is open to Higher secondary/Highschool/undergraduate/postgraduate students.

2 .Individual and group participation are allowed for this event.

3. Both hardware and software projects is applicable.

4. Both school and college level project should be judged seperately and best project is selected by the Judging committee.

5. The deadline for the application is 18 th April 2023.

For more details contact
Albin : 9961019157
Jeena : 8848046611
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Name *
E-Mail *
Contact Number *
Whatsapp  Number *
School/ College Name *
Describe Your Project *
Are you willing to exhibit your project at College of Engineering Aranmula on April 26 or 27? *
Refferal Code (if any)

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