United States | Lexington

Kicking the general's ass

The McChrystal affair has revived doubts about Barack Obama's qualities as a war president


GEORGE McGOVERN flew 35 bombing raids over Nazi-occupied Europe during the second world war and received the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery; but in the election of 1972 he lost 49 states. John Kerry received three Purple Hearts for service in Vietnam; but lost in 2004 to George Bush, who had spent the war safely at home in the Texan Air National Guard. For one reason or another, no matter how glorious their records, Democrats have often found it hard to persuade voters that they can make good war presidents. Will the disarray in Barack Obama's Afghan strategy this week restore the old idea the Democrats are not to be trusted with national security?

This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline "Kicking the general's ass"

Losing Afghanistan

From the June 26th 2010 edition

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