Newsom appointees to T.I. board fast-tracked by supervisors

On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors confirmed two picks by outgoing Mayor Gavin Newsom for the Treasure Island Development Authority board of directors.

Larry Del Carlo and Larry Mazzola, Jr. were confirmed 9-2, after a motion to delay the vote, by David Campos, was rejected. Supervisors Chris Daly and John Avalos voted against the confirmations.

Del Carlo, currently president and CEO of the Mission Housing Development Corporation, would replace John Rahaim and would serve until February 2013. Mazzola succeeds Owen Stephens and terms out in April 2014. Last year, the supervisors rejected Mazzola for a post on the board of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District.

Applications to the Treasure Island authority board were reviewed from October until last Monday. Residents of Treasure Island and adjoining Yerba Buena Island voiced concern for more local representation on the authority’s board. Stephens is now the only resident serving on the board.

Daly and others questioned the appointments as Newsom, who was elected as lieutenant governor earlier this month, prepares to leave office for his new post on Jan 3. Redevelopment is scheduled to begin next year.

Mayor shakes up Treasure Island development board, ousts only resident

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