Guardian Viral Video Chart: From a WikiLeaks tribute to John Lennon

Hear a song celebrating WikiLeaks and press freedom, remember the Beatles star and watch a tragic reindeer
Viral video: WikiLeaks Samba
WikiLeaks Samba: celebrates press freedom

Given that we're in the throes of the actual internet revolution, we're celebrating the cult of Wikileaks in this latest Viral Video Chart.

<wikileakiness>Unlike the cyberwar that's raging, this track is rather mellow – a gently liberal tribute to the site that achieved more than most people could have dreamed it would, and a thank you to supporters of free speech.

"Don't stress, free the press...
The truth will come out, ready or not / Fess up to what you say
Blaming the mirror for what you see / diverts the responsibility
To stifle the leak is just doublespeak / If you claim the press is free."

For news junkies, there's a treasure trove of footage on YouTube including the Guardian's investigations editor David Leigh talking about the story, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange criticising President Obama's record on free speech and being asked how safe his anonymous sources are – and this appeal for help from anyone with the technical wherewithal to create a mirror for the WikiLeaks server.

</wikileakiness>Right – that's the end of the Wikileakiness for now. Where the funny stuff?

This digital history of the Nativity is very sweet, and though it's in Spanish. We liked watching the wise men (wot, no ladies?) buy their gifts on Amazon and then get 'people who bought myrrh also bought ... camels). Rudolph's feeling a little deflated at 7, and for 'cute' appeals we dug out some lightweight ducks.

Also ferreted out (think of it as bonus material) from bestofyoutube this week: the astonishing professional doodling, even more astonishing driving-the-wrong-way-down-the-fast-lane-of-a-motorway in China.

Guardian Viral Video Chart. Compiled by Unruly Media and edited by Jemima

1 Wikileaks Samba
A sonic tribute from, appropriately enough, Sonic Disobedience.

2 John Lennon: Imagine
Thirty years after his death, take a moment to pay tribute with the song that came to define him.

3 Historia do Natal digital
The Nativity, as it happened on Facebook, Google Maps, Foursquare et al. In Spanish Oh, OK - Portuguese - but we get the idea.

4 Ducks blown off their feet by the wind
Ducklings: like ducks, but lighter.

5 Adventures in freelancing, part one: The story
We've all been at least partly there.

6 One Last Christmas - Matthew West
Easily the saddest thing I've ever seen on the VVC. You have been warned.

7 Rudolph Balloon Christmas Parade tragedy
Everything goes a bit limp for poor old Rudolph.

8 Natalie time lapse: Birth to ten
This is what could happen to those thousands of photos you take of your kids.

9 Electric fish kills alligator
I don't know who's more surprised – the alligator, or the guy filming it.

10 Air-powered Star Trek style door
All of this available from B&Q, probably.

Source: Viral Video Chart. Compiled from data gathered at 15:00 on 9 December 2010. The Weekly Viral Video Chart is currently based on a count of the embedded videos and links on approximately two million blogs, as well as Facebook and Twitter.

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