2019 E-Scooter Report

Cover of the 2019 E-Scooter Findings Report.
Overview of the 2019 E-Scooter Findings Report and next steps for the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and shared electric scooters (e-scooters) in Portland. Links to the 2019 report, a dashboard to explore data on e-scooter trips, and an online questionnaire.

2019 E-Scooter Findings Report 

Cover of the 2019 E-Scooter Findings Report.

Portland has conducted two pilot permit programs allowing electric scooter (e-scooter) companies to operate in Portland, one in 2018 and another in 2019-2020. These pilots helped the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) learn how e-scooters fit into our transportation landscape and whether they help advance the city’s goals for mobility, climate, equity, and safety.  

Based on the report findings, PBOT is recommending a different approach for Portland’s permanent e-scooter program. The goal is to create deeper partnerships with fewer companies. PBOT recommends contracting with 1-3 companies for a period of 2-3 years.  

PBOT modified the 2019-2020 permit program based on feedback from the 2018 pilot, and the current recommendations are based on a comprehensive review of the 2019-2020 e-scooter pilot. Analysis looks at ridership trends and the potential for e-scooters to advance equity, ease traffic congestion and reduce climate-harming emissions. 

Appendix A: Managing Mobility Data

Appendix B: E-Scooter Parking Solutions

Appendix C: Summer 2019 E-Scooter User Survey Findings

Appendix D: Multnomah County Health Department Injury Data 2019

E-Scooter Trips Dashboard

An E-Scooter Trips Dashboard supplements the data available in the report. The Tableau dashboard enables further data exploration and analysis. 

Go to the dashboard 

New Mobility Snapshot

In addition, PBOT recently published a report on "new mobility" services in Portland, including e-scooters, BIKETOWN, car-share, and private for-hire services like taxis, Lyft, and Uber. 

Read the 2019 New Mobility Snapshot