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Project title
e.g. face-api.js
Source code link *
Demo link *
One line generic description
Describe the use or USP of the project e.g. "Face detection and recognition with js"
One line technical description
An acute technical description of what the project is about or how it works e.g. "A JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js"
Author name
Author twitter handle
e.g. @pradeep_io
Tech stack used to build the project
e.g. Javascript, Node.js, Python
Image url
A project screenshot or api usage code snippet or architecture whatever suits the most for your project. To create beautiful code snippet, use https://carbon.now.sh/
Your email
So, I can reach you out in case of any query
Your twitter username
So I can credit this discovery to you
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