Beware the dollar hawks

Although I poked fun at the WSJ in my last post, the buzz about the dollar — the growing clamor to do something about its decline — is coming from a number of people. And it has me worried, because it’s part of the groundswell of demands that we begin an exit strategy from loose monetary policy now now now, even though nothing in the actual economic situation warrants such action.

Ed Andrews’s article on dissension at the Fed was deeply disturbing when you bear in mind that Fed presidents historically never air such disputes in the open. The fact that they’re doing so now is an indication that many of our central bankers are so eager to start tightening that they’re throwing the normal rules aside.

This is really bad. Bear in mind that with core inflation below the Fed’s target of 2 percent (which I think is too low, but that’s another story) and huge excess capacity in the economy, the Taylor rule says that interest rates should be negative, and since they can’t, they should stay zero for a long time.


But the hawks are on the march, thumping their chests, because, well, just because.

And the declining dollar will, I’m sure, be used as yet another justification for bizarrely premature Fed hawkishness. A repeat of 1937, here we come.

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What about the Australian central bank raising its key rate the other day? Crazy?

Thank you for the sanity – it was disturbing to see the chiron on TV yesterday: ‘Fed contracts balance sheet last 2 weeks’. No one is afraid of inflation or too much liquidity except bankers whose pay packages are protected by ‘the sanctity of contracts’.

Kudos to President Obama for being a mensch and announcing he will donate his Nobel Prize to charity; this makes him one of Reagan’s ‘thousand points of light’ n’est-ce pa ?

No, inflation is not another story, it is the main story. Unless infaltion goes much higher (to 4 or 5%), the fiscal stimulus will not lead to a sustained recovery. And that’s the main problem with the current stabilization policy.

This is another example of irrationality. Here the dollar is seen more as a national totem and not a currency.

Tightening now will doom the bottom third of wage earners for a decade and throttle any export increases. To strengthen the fiscal position I vote for a tax hike and freeze on spending, perhaps in 2013 and not before.

And of course Trichet is sternly joining (never left?) the bandwagon as the free-market mavens move from woe begotten Ireland (in the process of exacerbating their massive problems) to Australia as their shining light.
Love them Aussies as well the land of my ancestors. But they both need to get rid of their neanderthal economic teams. See and Steve Keen’s Debtwatch for copious and entertaining examples.

Professor Krugman, not sure if you ever read Yves Smith’s blog (naked capitalism) but was wondering how you felt about her post that cross-border capital controls are likely in the near future?

I, for one, would be very interested to hear your rationale for a higher-than-2-percent inflation target.

The negative year-over-year negative inflation numbers for 2009 are artifacts, a result of the blip in 2007-8 because of oil and grain prices. Since early 2009, month/month inflation has been about at target rate. Not that this is itself a reason for panic, but the year/year numbers will inevitably climb and go positive by the end of the year.

If lots of money causes inflation, if the Fed holds federal funds near zero, and if there are large deficits (not really an if) there will almost surely be higher inflation next year (unless the economy tanks again). If you believe Bernanke when he says he will not monetize the deficit, this means he will raise rates. Of course if you believe that then you should not believe him when he says rates will be held low indefinitely.

Enh, if there’s one thing the Obama Peace Prize taught is, it’s that conservatives genuinely hate us liberals enough that it’s okay if they take the US down with us so long as we suffer.

We all agree that the Fed set interest rates too low for years. So why does your Taylor rule chart follow the Fed’s rates so closely? Shouldn’t it have diverged when the Fed went low?

The Fed really should let the US dollar decline, so the US economy will export more and import less and therefore the huge current account deficit of the US can decrease.

A strong decline of the US dollar is – apart from a higher saving ratio and less consumption from the US households – one of the things that have to happen so the global imbalances that contributed to the current crisis can be readjusted.

I think some of these Fed Presidents need to be placed on the unemployment roles. Maybe the reason they wish to tighten is not an economic policy difference but a political policy difference. Has a scorched earth political policy been turned into a scorched earth economic policy?

Hi Dr. PK

I didn’t know we had any dollar hawks left, now that everyone knows you can exchange them for bubbles. And as some of our esteemed economic luminaries have pointed out (Alan Greenspam), in the off chance that one can identify a bubble, a bubble is not inflation, and therefore growing one is not inflationary, and therefore we can assume no problem.

This also makes me think we have nothing to fear in repeating 1937, since it’s unlikey that, going forward, we could re-enter 1937. (even tho some people think that may be better). And besides, nowadays international banking can always lend excess liquidity offshore, if they believe they may screw up the US with inflation.

Just my my layman thoughts on the matter.

Well, it is anyone’s guess, but I bet that this is a repeat of 1965-1980. Then, the US was fighting a war, creating new entitlement programs, passing environmental protection laws that encouraged production industries to move overseas, paying with (what was then a large amount) borrowed money, and seeking to solve the problems that arose by “bold, persistent experimentation” that disrupted markets. Richard Nixon said:”We are all Keynesians”, Jimmy Carter created “stimulus” spending that approximates the Obama stimulus (after adjusting for inflation, recognizing that only part of the Obama stimulus has been spent). The result: Stagflation and 10% unemployment; the price of a barrel of oil went from $3 to $30, and some 90% of dollar denominated savings were lost. Now it is Afghanistan, not Vietnam. Instead of creating the unsustainably expensive Medicare, we are now trying to make our entire health care system as unsustainable as Medicare through health care “reform’. We are not doing the “Clean Air Act”, which was scientifically justified if economically a nuisance; now it is scientifically unjustified cap-and-trade with enormous cost. The “bold persistent expectation” is not wage price controls, but rather taxpayer money going to Wall Street favorites who are “too big to fail”, discarding the rule of law in bankruptcies, and taking over auto, banking, and health care markets.
The collapse of the dollar in the 1970’s was the symptom of bad economic policies. Nixon had no choice but to default on American debt by closing the gold window. Now, there are many fewer Keynesians; most (but not all, as readers of this blog know) recognize that government spending borrowed money while promising anyone who hires someone will be punished by tens of thousands of dollars in new taxes does not create jobs.
Obama will be forced to default. He will have no choice. Each American must deliver $200,000 in services to Medicare patients before he/she can begin to pay for the next round of new government entitlements, programs, fines, taxes, and permits. We just cannot do it, and pay off a deficit of $1.4 trillion a year.
Prof. Krugman and I agree. There will be a general economic collapse. We disagree only on the “Why?” I say that it is because we implemented the policies that Prof. Krugman advocated. He will say the collapse is because we did not implement his policies more. What an experiment!

Given you’re previous post, I simply must take a stab at rationalizations that attempt to become all the rage. I mean if we’re…a) going to fight inflation by… b) returning to the Gold Standard. Then I should at least try to blame this whole mess on your not politicking to become Treasury Secretary.

While at the same time accuse Stiglitz of not doing the same to claim the top spot at the FED!


I could deal with a repeat of 1937 if we could also get a repeat of 1938-44.

I’ve often heard that the Great Depression was made so severe by Fed tightening the money supply. Is this true and could this recession so far be merely the precursor to our own Great Depression if the Fed starts to raise interest rates to save the dollar? If this is the choice they are faced with, get us through the current crisis while running the risk of the world dumping the dollar or a depression at home with the dollar retaining it’s hegemony abroad, which would they choose in your opinion?

I suspect they know very well what they are doing. Drive interest rates up then blame Obama and the Democrats for the resulting economic disaster.

One hopes this is just in anticipation of the line crossing zero and heading into positive territory. That looks inevitable from the graph

El Cid, do you remember what happened between 1938-1944?! I’d just as soon forgo the world war, genocides and war-time economic controls, thank you very much.

“A repeat of 1937, here we come.”

Well, for two reasons – the other being that stimulus is always simply temporary; it doesn’t fix any problems.

I think of butchers — who price cuts of meat based on demand, and, as a result, end up selling the whole cow. Their goal is to price so that they sell the whole cow. In doing so, they actually create demand for less popular cuts of meat.

Why aren’t we able to do the same with our “excess capacity”/underemployment?

I don’t see a limit on the potential work that could be done — in every category. (science, arts, trades, …) So, like the butcher, some cuts would be subsidized by the butcher’s profit, some sold at cost, and some sold for premium prices.

Is it possible to create a “butcher” that would work? I can’t even imagine how such system would work. I hope better minds than mine are working on such questions.