Why Hire A Full Stack Developer for your project?

There are a lot of developers around the world. Some are developing the frontend, while some are developing the backend, while some developers are busy writing business logic code. So, you can expect different types of developers all around the world doing different jobs for their clients. Those who work only on a single technology are traditional web developers, but sometimes, some client needs a developer who is master of all, like frontend, backend both types of development, and they are called full-stack developers. 

Full-stack developers have to handle a tiny but whole project or they have to maintain a particular website, whether it is a front-end related issue or any database related issue. They have to build those things and fix those things. 

So, let’s have a look at what exactly is Full Stack Development, and then we will proceed further about Full Stack Development. 

What is Full-stack Development?

Full-stack development is a development process where both frontend development and backend development is done, mostly by the same person. So, the process to handle the front-end and backend for a particular website or a web application is called full-stack development.

Frontend development includes the outer appearance for any website which can be modified with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while the backend refers to the business logic for a website, which includes server programming and database designing.

What does a Full-stack Developer do?

A full-stack developer is a person that handles the entire website or a web application and its development work, whether it is frontend development or backend development, There are some types of full-stack developers like MEAN Stack Developers, LAMP Stack Developers, MERN Stack Developers.

Here is some explanation on different types of full-stack developers and what technologies they work on. See the below table to know their particular domains.

Type of Full Stack Developer

Technologies they use

LAMP Stack

Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP

MEAN Stack

MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, NodeJS

MERN Stack

MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, NodeJS

So, these types of full-stack developers have mastered in their particular domain, for example, a LAMP Stack Developer is a master at developing web applications that are based on PHP, and MySQL and are installed on Apache Web Server. LAMP Stack developers know Linux system usage which is an open-source operating system.

MEAN Stack Developers are pro at MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and NodeJS, so you can hire MEAN Stack Developers if you want to develop an application based on those technologies. Similarly, MERN Stack Developers has mastered MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and NodeJS, and you have to hire MERN Stack Developers if you want to develop a web application based on those technologies. 

Now comes our main question: why hire full-stack developer for your project? Why does one have to hire just a single person to develop and manage an entire web application? Here are the answers to all of your questions.

Why Hire Full Stack Developers?

Single Project Ownership

Full-stack developers have full authority over their projects and they are the key person of their projects, and hence project ownership remains to only one person. So, whenever you want to make any changes to your web app, you have to contact only one person, and that full-stack developer will resolve your issue and provide you with the changes you have requested. This helps in leading better project deliveries, and full client satisfaction.


A full-stack developer is versatile in terms of their technical knowledge. They can work on frontend technology, backend technology, and they know hosting and such services as well. So, when you hire full-stack developers, you don’t have to worry about your web application at all. They can fix backend issues, they can fix your page loading time, and they can fix errors on hosting as well. So, a full stack developer will be your all-in-one package for your web app development and maintenance.

On-time Delivery

All full-stack developers have mastered their domains, so development and troubleshooting issues don’t take so long. Having vast experience in frontend and backend development, most full-stack developers are faster than traditional web developers, so you can get faster project delivery and improve user experience. 


Hiring a full-stack developer is a budget-friendly choice because when you hire full-stack developer, you don’t have to hire separate frontend and backend developers. Their development is also faster than traditional web developers. So, hiring s full stack developer will save development costs as well.


A full-stack developer has knowledge of both the user interface/user experience and the backend. The main reason why people reject any web product is mostly its looks. So, a full stack developer can make that product look awesome, and he/she can make that product better through backend coding as well. So, they possess vast knowledge of the whole web application including UI/UX and backend code. It becomes one more reason to hire full-stack developers or full-stack development agency.

Final Words:

To conclude this blog, we just want to say that hiring a full-stack developer is never a bad choice if you are a web-based product owner. A full-stack developer can take care of most of your work including launching new features to troubleshooting your web app. There are many more reasons to hire full-stack developer, but we are covering some of the reasons only.

If you are a web product owner, then you should hire full-stack developers or hire a full-stack development agency that can take care of your product while you focus on the advancements of your product. If you are already looking for full-stack developers to develop and manage your web app, then you can contact us or drop an email at sales@inexture.com to hire full-stack developers. In case if you have more queries about full-stack development, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will answer all of your question!

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