GWAMIT Spring 2012 Membership Survey
We appreciate your time in taking this survey for Graduate Women at MIT, information about us can be found at 

All questions in this survey are optional. Feel free to skip questions that you don't want to answer.
For support, please contact
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Demographic Information
What is your affiliation with MIT?
How many years have you been at MIT?
What course are/were you in?
Please indicate your current/most recent affiliation
What are your career aspirations? (Check all that apply)
What is your gender identification?
(e.g. "female", "male", "transgender", "other")
What is your racial identification?
(e.g. "Caucasian", "African American", "Asian", "Other")
Are you an international student?
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Do you currently have a partner/spouse?
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Do you currently have children or plan to have children while at MIT?
GWAMIT Membership
How did you first learn about GWAMIT?
Do you identify as a GWAMIT member?
Do you feel like part of the GWAMIT Community?
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Were you previously aware of GWAMIT's mission to promote the personal and professional development of graduate women?
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Were you previously aware that GWAMIT advocates for Institute policy changes as part of the Graduate Student Council?
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In your opinion, who is a part of the GWAMIT community?
check all that apply
GWAMIT Involvement
Are you currently on the GWAMIT email list?
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Which, if any, GWAMIT events/programs have you attended?
check all that apply
If you have not attended GWAMIT events, what is the primary reason?
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Have you served on the GWAMIT General Board?
This includes members who have helped organized conferences, events, or programs and departmental representatives.
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Do you know your department's GWAMIT Departmental Representative?
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Have you ever worked with or contacted your GWAMIT Department Representative?
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