Edith S's Reviews > John Denver: Man for the World

John Denver by John Stansfield
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I found this book easy to read, as it is geared for young readers and is part of the “Now You Know Bio” series. The content was written at a level that all readers can enjoy. As I am an ardent John Denver fan, I found that that there really was nothing in the text that was earth-shattering new. There were two distinctive sections in the book that were somewhat informative: (1) the “Know More,” wherein the author explained some of the concepts covered in the book, and (2) the “Story Behind the Song,” wherein the author gave insights into what inspired some of the songs that John Denver wrote.

Although this is a good book for young readers, I hesitate to recommend it as a good book to read. The text is full of grammatical errors, punctuation inconsistencies, and misspellings. These errors are enough incentives not to let young impressionable students read this book. Or, have them read it in English class and have a game of "Find the Errors." It’s a shame that the author never bothered to use a spellchecker and that the publisher never hired an editor to go over the text because this is an excellent book for students to read. I think that John Denver was a major contributor to the world through this music and his charitable work. All in all, the world should not forget him!

PS.: I used the Kindle edition of this book.

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November 23, 2010 – Finished Reading
November 26, 2010 – Shelved

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