So you’re happily coding away at your WordPress site and you stumble on a technical problem.

What could be easier than hoping over to the twitter window and pinging one of the core developers? The miracle of the real-time web and all that.

But, if you think about it a little, it’s also kind of selfish.

Firstly, you draw attention from a single person, who already has a lot on their hands. For most questions, there are many people who are able and willing to give you competent answers.

Secondly, even if that person responds with a solution, no one else but you will benefit from it. It’s very unlikely that someone will come across those tweets via a search engine, for example.

Besides the ethical point, it’s darned annoying to discuss technical problems in 140 character chunks.

So, if you have a support question, please use the appropriate venue:

For general WordPress questions: or

For plugin specific questions, each plugin hosted on has a dedicated tag in the support forums.

And if you get a support question on twitter, just send them to this page.