Home Care and Assisted Living Program Licensing, Survey, and Enforcement Modifications

minnesota department of health

Home Care and Assisted Living Program Licensing, Survey, and Enforcement Modifications

Emergency Executive Order 20-32, issued on April 8, 2020, adopted into Minnesota Session Laws, Chapter 74, Article 1, Section 13, allows the Commissioner of Health to temporarily delay, waive, or modify certain requirements so that the Minnesota Department of Health, and providers, can take necessary action to protect Minnesotans.

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Health Regulation Division (HRD) previously announced temporary modifications to certain requirements for home care licensing, survey, and enforcement activities.  These modifications have been revised to indicate that, beginning in November 2020, MDH will require Home Care Licensees to submit their license renewal applications as necessary to bring their Home Care Licenses current.  MDH will also require payment of fines assessed during the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency.

For additional information on these activity modifications, please visit the HRD Home Care and Assisted Living Program website.

Questions can be sent to Health.Homecare@state.mn.us.