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Jailbreak Only: Make Your iPhone Stand Out with Dreamboard

Jailbreak Only: Make Your iPhone Stand Out with Dreamboard

by DM
May 15, 2011
Want to play around with new themes for your iPhone, but afraid to get your hands dirty? The new Dreamboard ($2.99 on Cydia) is a great way to browse and install new looks for your iPhone.

You do need to jailbreak first, of course, since this level of customization just isn't possible with the restrictions Apple normally has in place. But once you've done so, and purchased Dreamboard on Cydia, choosing a theme is as simple as buying apps on the app store.

Dreamboard lets you dramatically change your iPhone's look.

Wait, You Have To Buy Them? Yes, it's true, these themes aren't free. In the spirit of supporting the massive amount of work that went into designing them, you do need to pony up some cash to get your hands on them. They're very high quality, though, as you can see from the screenshots. Even better, you can switch themes without having to restart the SpringBoard or wait for your phone to reboot. It's super-fast, and the advanced theming system lets your phone undergo radical changes (including icons, scroll bars, fonts and more) with just one tap. Will It Slow Down My Phone?

Unfortunately, Dreamboard has been reported to be pretty RAM-intensive, owing to the amount of data it has to load. This might not affect light users, but those who multitask like mad may be disappointed with its impact on their iPhone's speed. The developers are aware of the issue and will be working on a fix. In the meantime, just be aware of the possible performance hit.

Another theme from Dreamboard.

Is It Worth It? If you're looking for a way to make your iPhone stand out, DreamBoard is definitely the way to do it. By making theme selection such a trivial process, you can try out a bunch of looks and find the one that works for you, all without mucking about with code or SSH. It's never been easier or more fun to make your iPhone look just the way you want it.

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