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The Battle for Oblivion
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

The Battle for Oblivion

My dear Bava, master of the ds106, king of the punk, lord of the blogosphere, Honorable wizard of the GIF of Animations, and begetter of Gravatars, I welcome you and am honored with your presence.

Let us begin with simple truths my friend. You have heinously attempted to recreate me in the role of leader and master to Jim Groom, noble technologist. A leader of men you have whimsically degraded into servitude in the position of a “TA.” I shall not cast judgement upon you and your efforts toward the genre of digital stories as you are clearly a brethren of that fine and historically relevant group. I will demand that you revert the poor Mr. Groom to his rightful position as master of the class and guide to the masses in that honoured position of professor.

That is the first and most simple truth of this whole debacle. I ask you kindly to respond.

Yours as master only,

Dr. Oblivion

What say you?