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Ubunchu: manga about Ubuntu Linux

[Ubunchu] For your amusement: Ubunchu is a set of manga comics about a school computer club's encounters with Ubuntu Linux. It's licensed under CC-BY-NC and available in numerous languages.

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Flash player required

Posted May 19, 2011 20:55 UTC (Thu) by ncm (guest, #165) [Link]

Sigh. Even here.

The requirement for a Flash player remains a useful proxy for being a waste of your time.

Flash player required

Posted May 19, 2011 20:57 UTC (Thu) by corbet (editor, #1) [Link]

Flash player required where? I didn't need one...

Flash player required

Posted May 19, 2011 22:08 UTC (Thu) by Hausvib6 (guest, #70606) [Link]

It's in the manga content, the first chapter.

Flash player required

Posted May 19, 2011 21:31 UTC (Thu) by Tobu (subscriber, #24111) [Link]

These are in pdf form. As well as svg / png / xcf layers for translators.

Flash player required

Posted May 19, 2011 22:06 UTC (Thu) by Hausvib6 (guest, #70606) [Link]

It's mentioned in the manga storyline....

Ubunchu: manga about Ubuntu Linux

Posted May 20, 2011 0:37 UTC (Fri) by przemoc (guest, #67594) [Link]

Two years old news... But no, it's not bothering me, I'm rather puzzled that such thing reached LWN.net, in a positive way methinks.

Ubunchu project was interesting and unique to some extent. While in Japan manga is an ordinary thing, can be seen practically anywhere and is treated on par with non-comic content, it's different story out of Nippon. Possibly main problem is comic perception.

In Europe and America comics and cartoons are mostly seen as things for children. Something that it is acceptable to read or watch during adolescence, but rather not later. And apart from comics/cartoons strictly targeting adults (excessive violence, sex, etc.) and not available for children (at least easily, one would want to say), we lack decently drawn/rendered stuff for everyone (ok, PG12), yet still being able to entertain adults. There are widely-known exceptions, from DreamWorks for instance, but it's not enough to revive comic/cartoon market. Hopefully this cliche thinking is already slowly fading away, but it may take another 25 years to significantly improve the situation. In the meantime you can have a look at some classics from Japan, e.g. by reading or watching Akira and Ghost in the Shell (I'm not innovative with this more than 10 years old proposal, but there is no need to be). If you want something more recent, try Paprika. And I haven't even mentioned Studio Ghibli with their great animations (mostly) for whole families. There are lot of other mangas and animes. But remember that just like with anything else, some of them are possibly not worth your time.

I said "Ubunchu was", because it hasn't been updated for some time and it's usually a bad sign for the future.

Ubunchu: manga about Ubuntu Linux

Posted May 20, 2011 6:33 UTC (Fri) by Hausvib6 (guest, #70606) [Link]

I agree, that is the people perception of comic and animation in my country too. There is one easy way to attract more adult attention: by forking this comic and add some H content. It will spread like wildfire for sure and hopefully attract hundreds of millions of user to use Ubuntu.

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