
Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms.
Related to nasogastric: nasogastric tube, Nasogastric Aspiration


Pertaining to or involving both the nasal passages and the stomach, as in nasogastric intubation.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adjective Pertaining or referring to the nose and stomach.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Pertaining to or involving the nasal passages and the stomach, as in nasogastric intubation.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Pertaining to or involving both nasal passages and stomach, as in nasogastric intubation.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The MeSH terms "stroke" or "cerebrovascular" were combined with "nasogastric tube" or "enteral feeding." We also reviewed the references of the identified articles to find additional relevant data.
After returning from the radiology department, it was discovered that the existing nasogastric tube was obstructed, and the attending physician ordered a replacement.
Presence of nasogastric tube impairs the cough reflex and provides a more direct pathway for oropharyngeal bacteria to lungs, thus increasing respiratory tract infection.
Brister, "Thoracic complications of nasogastric tube: review of safe practice," Interactive Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, vol.
"What I missed is that they didn't tell me the therapeutic options; let's say they didn't even mention the words' nasogastric tube feeding'.
The most common associated risk factor, however, has been the prolonged presence ofa nasogastric tube, which has been the case in thirteen of the nineteen patients reported in the literature.
Conclusion: The caloric and protein intake in study subjects was below the recommended level both in nasogastric and oral feeding.
reported three cases of esophageal bezoars due to feeding by nasogastric tube and coadministration of sucralfate [7].
A nasogastric tube was inserted without difficulty, and approximately 2 liters of brown-colored content was drained within two hours.
Patients in both groups received oral food at an average of 4 days; only 1 of 17 patients in the nasogastric feeding group could not tolerate feeding, compared with 9 of 18 patients in the NPO group.
Muscat: Two years back in May, Niketh Nandan, a three-year-old Indian boy in Muscat, was suffering from an inborn error of metabolism, developmental delay and was on a nasogastric tube feeding.