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DRRSDefense Readiness Reporting System
DRRSDe Radiguès Rider School (French riding school)
DRRSDuane-Radial Ray Syndrome
DRRSDigital Radio Relay System
DRRSDevon Rugby Referee Society (UK)
DRRSDepressive Retardation Rating Scale (psychiatry)
DRRSDEMPAQ (Develop and Evaluate Methods for Promoting Ambulatory Care Quality) Record Review System
DRRSDrawing Research and Request Subsystem
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DRRS (Duane-Radial Ray syndrome, Okihiro sendromu), RID ve Duane anomalisi ile karakterizedir ve Holt-Oram sendromu'nun ayirici tanilari arasinda yer alir.
Although our method is conceptually similar to a DRR generation followed by gradient correlation, this calculation can be carried out on a GPU much more quickly than a DRR.
The tensile test bars were imaged before and after the test to study the deformation recovery ratio (DRR) as shown in Figs.
The DRRS attempts to measure readiness more directly by asking commanders to assess unit readiness against the list of mission essential tasks assigned to each unit.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) established the Chairman's Readiness System to accomplish the secretary of defense's mandate to "measure the preparedness of our military to achieve objectives as outlined in the National Military Strategy." Units use the Global Status of Resources and Training System (GSORTS) and DRRS to capture data and report readiness.
Geometric accuracy is 1 mm or lesser with possibility of 2D and 3D matching with DRRs or X-ray volumetric images generated from planning CT data sets.
However, while evidence exists that companies have increased dialogue with shareholders to prevent rejections of DRRs, companies have also used the process of consultation with shareholders to their advantage.
As DRRS is implemented fleetwide, it is imperative that we learn and understand the new language of readiness.
New impetus for this long-recognized need is now provided by DoD Directive 7730.65, which requires developing and implementing a new Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS).
Report to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) in the Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) readiness of personnel for security assistance activities in DoD security cooperation programs over which DSCA has responsibility, in accordance with section 117 (c)(3) of Reference (e), and other relevant instructions or guidance.