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Insanely Great
Like gapingvoid cartoon #380 'Insanely Great' August 11th, 2011 on Facebook  

In today's world of 27 year old billionaires it's easy to a) believe that success at a young age is the norm, and that b) If you aren't rich and famous before 30, your life is a waste.

Malcolm Gladwell in "Outliers", makes the case that one needs to spend 10,000 hours mastering a skill in order to be successful at that skill.

I'm not sure if 10,000 hours is the correct amount of time, but I do know that as one gets older and more experienced at a task, it not only becomes easier, but easier to work to a higher level.

It doesn't matter if you are writing, playing the piano, auditing or cartooning. There is a level of insight that one only achieves through time.

This is not to be confused with 'right place, right time', or 'emotional intelligence', physically demanding work  or other factors in monetary success, but being "insanely great" at something doesn't happen over night.

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