Trunk or Treat: Wear your costume. Go car to car. Get candy.

A safe alternative
to trick-or-treating
for children and
mentally disabled adults

Halloween Eve
Wednesday, Oct. 31
5:30 - 7:00 PM
In the church parking lot

In case of heavy rain
the event will be moved
into the church building
Trunk-or-Treat 2012
What is Trunk-or-Treat?
Trunk-or-treat is safe family environment for kids to celebrate Halloween with their families. The kids take a walk down "Trunk Street" trick-or-treating from car to car.

Our members decorate their car trunks with all sorts of Halloween-friendly scenarios and hand out candy to the kids as they come by. The kids and their families vote for the best decorated trunk. This friendly competition encourages more of our members to participate, so there's more for the kids to experience.
Can I participate in giving out candy?
If you would like to hand out candy at your decorated car, we ask that you sign up by calling our office manager at (253)815-6925 so we know to expect you.

For more information about participating, please see our News page.
Can adults trunk-or-treat?
We ask that only children or mentally disabled adults participate in trunk-or-treating.
Why does your church celebrate Halloween and others don't?
As this blog puts it, we believe Jesus is not afraid of Halloween (opens in new window).

Halloween can be an educational opportunity to parents and children alike to understand and cope with our fear about death and to learn what the Bible says about it all.
Where are you located?
150 S 356th Street, Federal Way. We are in a wooded area on the north side of South 356th Street between Hwy 99 and 1st Ave S.

Going south on Hwy 99, pass 348th Street South.
Turn right on 356th S.
Turn right into the parking lot just after the house with the wishing well (on the right).

Or get precise direction from Google Maps. (Opens new window)