Re-Discover Your Inner Strength

I get it. You are swamped with all the extra responsibilities and social obligations that the end of the year brings. I also understand that this is the season for self-evaluation — most of it done in a negative and highly destructive manner!

Last week I proposed that the Counseling Space tribe complete a brief “Look in the Mirror” Exercise designed to help you turn your attention from what could have been to WHAT IS.

For those who didn’t get a chance to visit the Counseling Space website to complete the exercise, I am now including a convenient “Inner Strength Worksheet” in the body of today’s post.

The questions included in the worksheet are not unlike those I ask clients who may be stuck on the “whys” and “what ifs” instead of focusing on their “winning” moments! This worksheet is specifically tailored to encourage you to take stock of all your accomplishments (large and small), remind you of your inner strength, and nourish your spirit!

COMPLETE the FORM below to receive immediate downloads of ALL 3 worksheet pages!


If you would like to discuss any revelations and breakthroughs after completing the “Inner Strength Worksheet”, please CLICK the BUTTON below to schedule a FREE 30-MINUTE Inner Strength Boost Session! These sessions are ONLY valid until November 24th.



We MUST all do a better job at shifting to a positive mindset.

Let’s hold each other accountable to take a few minutes out of every day to reflect on all our victories — large and small!

Have a great week!


Be Grateful for Whatever Comes


Look in the Mirror