AUGUST 23 - 25, 2022



This FREE Online Summit will only be held once this year and will have powerhouse women having real conversations on life, love and relationships! Join me as we dive into some authentic, engaging, truthful and grown woman discussions that will bring healing and revelation for where you are right now in your journey!

In this Summit you will hear real and practical conversation on:


  • How to Partner with God in moving on from a bad break-up
  • How to navigate "complicated" situations
  • How to vet and discern quickly in the dating process as a woman over 35-40
  • What it takes to be receptive to love as a high achieving woman of faith
  • The healing journey to the altar - Remarriage as a Woman of Faith
  • What Reconciliation After Spousal Separation Looks Life - Forgiveness & Trust

Here is the schedule:

Evening  1 - Bouncing Back after a Bad Breakup, Broken Engagement or Divorce
Evening  2 - I'm Ready To Date - Navigating These Dating Streets 
Evening  3 - Special Soiree: Remarriage & Reconciliation After Separation

This is for you if:

  • If you feel like you are at the same emotional place of the break-up and you are finding it hard to really accept that this person really wasn't the one after all of the time, emotions, etc. you have invested in it.
  • Still getting distracted with counterfeits and project relationships in navigating the dating process.
  • Realize that you are emotionally unavailable for a real relationship because you don't really trust.
  • Separated from your spouse and considering reconciliation
  • In a committed relationship but there are lingering doubts
  • Feel like you are ready for dating and marriage but want to learn practical wisdom before jumping out there.
  • You are accomplished & purposeful and need to hear from likeminded women in the journey with you!

    You can Google, watch YouTube videos, and read books which is great, but this is an opportunity to interact and ask questions with women who have gone through what you are in now. So don't delay go ahead and register today!

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The Online Relationship Summit