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Botox ® & Dysport ®

Botulinum toxin treatments like Botox® or Dysport injections are magic bullets when it comes to preventing wrinkles. They temporarily inhibit muscle movement, stopping the constant motions that become etched on your face as a wrinkle. At Skin Renewal, our doctors are highly trained and very experienced injectors that know exactly how to make you look younger, fresher, and more relaxed – never frozen!
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Neurotoxin Treatments at Skin Renewal

Botox ® & Dysport ® at a glance

  • Best Results
    Best Results


  • Anaesthetic


  • Duration
    Duration of Results

    3 - 4 months

  • Procedure Time
    Procedure Time

    20 - 30 mins

  • Treatment Recovery
    Treatment Recovery

    1 -2 days

  • Skin Specialist
    Skin Specialist


  • Risk Compliance
    Risks & Complications


  • Back to Work
    Back To Work

    Same day

Unlocking Youthful Radiance with Botulinum Toxin Injectable Treatments

Botulinum Toxin, commonly referred to as Botox® or Dysport®, is a prescription medication revered for its cosmetic abilities in diminishing wrinkles. Administered by skilled professionals at Skin Renewal, these injections work by intercepting nerve signals responsible for muscle contractions, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles. 

FDA-approved for addressing moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines, Botox® or Dysport® injections are a minimally invasive procedure performed by our adept doctors at Skin Renewal. The procedure is virtually painless, with noticeable results manifesting within 10-14 days post-injection. 

It's crucial to grasp that Botox® or Dysport® offers a temporary fix. Its effects typically last 3 to 4 months before muscle movement resumes, necessitating a repeat procedure to maintain results. 

Dynamic vs. Static Wrinkles: 

Understanding the nature of wrinkles is pivotal. Dynamic wrinkles, born from facial expressions and repetitive movements, are effectively targeted by Botox® or Dysport®. These wrinkles, which deepen with age, can be softened and prevented from becoming static wrinkles, which persist even at rest. 

Areas of Treatment: 

Botox® or Dysport® for Upper Face: Targeting dynamic wrinkles on the forehead, between the brows, and around the eyes, these injections provide a rejuvenating lift, erasing worry lines and enhancing a relaxed, approachable visage. 

Botox® or Dysport® for Lower Face: In skilled hands, it can extend its benefits to the lower face, mitigating permanent mouth frowns and barcode lines and facilitating a subtle jowl and neck lift, restoring youthful contours. 

Expanding Applications: 

Skin Renewal's Microtox Glow Facial:

Experience the Microtox Glow Facial, a cutting-edge skincare solution seamlessly combining micro-needling techniques with specialised Botulinum application (no injections involved). This meticulously crafted treatment is designed to invigorate and elevate the skin's natural radiance and texture, providing a rejuvenating skincare experience.

Offering a non-surgical cosmetic option, the Microtox Glow Facial addresses a range of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone and texture, and lackluster complexion.

Consultation at Skin Renewal: 

For personalised guidance and informed decisions regarding Botox® or Dysport® treatments, we encourage you to consult with our knowledgeable professionals at Skin Renewal. Let us embark on a journey to unlock your youthful radiance, one injection at a time. 

frequently asked

Are Botox® & Dysport treatments available at all Skin Renewal branches?
How much Botox® or Dysport® is needed for each area?

The dosage of Botox® or Dysport® units varies among patients due to several factors:

  1. Muscle Mass Differences: Men typically have larger muscle mass, necessitating potentially higher doses of Botox® or Dysport® for optimal results.
  2. Facial Expression Variances: Individual differences in facial expressions influence dosage requirements; some have less expressive faces, while others are more animated.
  3. Facial Muscle Recruitment: Following Botulinum Toxin administration, some individuals may recruit additional facial muscles, which can affect dosage needs.
  4. Biochemical Variations: Patients with specific biochemical differences, such as those taking fat burners, may metabolise Botulinum Toxin differently, impacting treatment duration.
  5. Skin Condition: Sun-damaged skin alters Botulinum Toxin's efficacy, necessitating unit dosage adjustments.

At Skin Renewal, all new patients are required to schedule a follow-up appointment with the doctor two weeks after the initial injection to evaluate the final outcome. Additional injections may be necessary to achieve optimal results, and charges are applied accordingly for top-ups exceeding 2 to 4 units.

Men, despite often overlooking signs of ageing, also undergo facial changes. To maintain a youthful and masculine appearance, it's advisable for men to consult a Skin Renewal doctor for a comprehensive facial assessment and tailored treatment plan. Such treatments can effectively roll back the years (6-24 months), instilling confidence without compromising a natural or masculine look.

Are there risks involved when going for Botox® or Dysport® injectable treatments?

Ensure your safety and optimal results by selecting reputable products like Botox® or Dysport® and ensuring your treating medical professional is well-trained in these procedures. It's advisable to seek treatment from doctors who perform these procedures regularly to minimise complications such as incorrectly placed injections or dosage miscalculations, which can lead to undesirable outcomes like brow or eyelid drooping.

Common risks include bruising and temporary headaches, while infections are rare. Allergic reactions to these brands are exceedingly uncommon. While Botulinum doses are generally safe, caution is advised during pregnancy due to the lack of official risk studies in this regard.

Why do we get Dynamic lines or wrinkles?

In our youth, when our skin boasted ample collagen, our wrinkles were primarily dynamic. At rest, our faces remained smooth, devoid of wrinkles. However, as collagen diminishes with age, dynamic wrinkles transition into static wrinkles. This shift occurs due to the repetitive facial movements that gradually "crack" the skin.

Dynamic wrinkles stem from facial expressions, where each facial muscle contraction creates grooves beneath the skin's surface. With age, skin elasticity wanes, preventing it from reverting to its wrinkle-free state. Consequently, these grooves become ingrained on the face, manifesting as fine lines and wrinkles.

Can a registered Biokineticist inject Botox® or Dysport®?

A biokineticist is not qualified to administer Botulinum injections. You have to be a qualified medical doctor to do so in South Africa. Botox® or Dysport® are registered, scheduled drugs. Biokineticists are not qualified to administer or prescribe drugs. So, unless you have a medical degree that allows you to prescribe and administer medication, you cannot administer these injectables.

How does Botox® or Dysport® injections help the ageing process?

With the extensive use of Botulinum Toxin injections worldwide, research and experience have indicated that consistent usage over a decade can effectively delay the ageing process. By utilising Botulinum Toxin to relax facial expressions, we mitigate the formation of skin breaks or wrinkles. Continuous relaxation of the skin allows for collagen accumulation in treated areas, leading to improved wrinkle appearance.

Consistent Botulinum Toxin injections every 4 to 5 months offer a superior long-term solution, as they prevent collagen depletion caused by repetitive muscle movements.

Botox® and Dysport® safe?

Facial injections of Botulinum Toxin have emerged as a cornerstone of facial rejuvenation, effectively smoothing away frown lines and easing tension in furrowed brows. Endorsed by the FDA for cosmetic purposes, Botulinum Toxin boasts a stellar safety profile, making it the go-to cosmetic procedure worldwide. With over a decade of utilisation in aesthetic practices and more than two decades in neurology and ophthalmology, Botulinum Toxin Facial enjoys robust support from numerous publications, affirming its efficacy and safety.

For optimal results, Botulinum Toxin Facial injections should be administered in a physician's office by a seasoned medical doctor who is well-versed in facial muscular anatomy and the aesthetic nuances of precise placement. The success of the procedure hinges greatly on the injector's experience.

What to expect after a Botox® or Dysport® injectable treatment?

After a Botulinum Toxin procedure, temporary side effects like mosquito-bite-like areas may occur, typically lasting 20-60 minutes and resolving spontaneously. Occasionally, small red areas at injection sites may appear but usually vanish within a couple of days. It's advisable to avoid lying down for at least 4 hours post-procedure to minimise the risk of Botulinum Toxin diffusion to adjacent areas.

  • You can resume your regular skincare routine immediately after treatment, and makeup application is permitted.
  • Exercise should be avoided for 24 hours following Botulinum Toxin injections.

To reduce the risk of bruising, refrain from using aspirin-containing products or high-dose vitamin E supplements for 48 hours before the procedure, although ideally, avoidance for 10 days prior is recommended.

How long does Botox® or Dysport® last?

After undergoing treatment, initial improvements in lines may become noticeable within 4 days, with the full effect typically manifesting after 14 days. Results vary, lasting up to 4 months, depending on individual response and initial Botulinum Toxin dosage. "Baby Botox®" involves administering Botulinum Toxin in three areas at half the usual dose, providing a shorter-lasting effect of 6 to 8 weeks, ideal for actors requiring facial expression.

Repeated Botulinum Toxin treatments can extend the duration of results over time.

Patients with hyperactive brows may experience a shorter duration of effect as the Botulinum Toxin is metabolised more quickly in these individuals.

Frequently asked questions

Are Botox® & Dysport treatments available at all Skin Renewal branches?
How much Botox® or Dysport® is needed for each area?

The dosage of Botox® or Dysport® units varies among patients due to several factors:

  1. Muscle Mass Differences: Men typically have larger muscle mass, necessitating potentially higher doses of Botox® or Dysport® for optimal results.
  2. Facial Expression Variances: Individual differences in facial expressions influence dosage requirements; some have less expressive faces, while others are more animated.
  3. Facial Muscle Recruitment: Following Botulinum Toxin administration, some individuals may recruit additional facial muscles, which can affect dosage needs.
  4. Biochemical Variations: Patients with specific biochemical differences, such as those taking fat burners, may metabolise Botulinum Toxin differently, impacting treatment duration.
  5. Skin Condition: Sun-damaged skin alters Botulinum Toxin's efficacy, necessitating unit dosage adjustments.

At Skin Renewal, all new patients are required to schedule a follow-up appointment with the doctor two weeks after the initial injection to evaluate the final outcome. Additional injections may be necessary to achieve optimal results, and charges are applied accordingly for top-ups exceeding 2 to 4 units.

Men, despite often overlooking signs of ageing, also undergo facial changes. To maintain a youthful and masculine appearance, it's advisable for men to consult a Skin Renewal doctor for a comprehensive facial assessment and tailored treatment plan. Such treatments can effectively roll back the years (6-24 months), instilling confidence without compromising a natural or masculine look.

Are there risks involved when going for Botox® or Dysport® injectable treatments?

Ensure your safety and optimal results by selecting reputable products like Botox® or Dysport® and ensuring your treating medical professional is well-trained in these procedures. It's advisable to seek treatment from doctors who perform these procedures regularly to minimise complications such as incorrectly placed injections or dosage miscalculations, which can lead to undesirable outcomes like brow or eyelid drooping.

Common risks include bruising and temporary headaches, while infections are rare. Allergic reactions to these brands are exceedingly uncommon. While Botulinum doses are generally safe, caution is advised during pregnancy due to the lack of official risk studies in this regard.

Why do we get Dynamic lines or wrinkles?

In our youth, when our skin boasted ample collagen, our wrinkles were primarily dynamic. At rest, our faces remained smooth, devoid of wrinkles. However, as collagen diminishes with age, dynamic wrinkles transition into static wrinkles. This shift occurs due to the repetitive facial movements that gradually "crack" the skin.

Dynamic wrinkles stem from facial expressions, where each facial muscle contraction creates grooves beneath the skin's surface. With age, skin elasticity wanes, preventing it from reverting to its wrinkle-free state. Consequently, these grooves become ingrained on the face, manifesting as fine lines and wrinkles.

Can a registered Biokineticist inject Botox® or Dysport®?

A biokineticist is not qualified to administer Botulinum injections. You have to be a qualified medical doctor to do so in South Africa. Botox® or Dysport® are registered, scheduled drugs. Biokineticists are not qualified to administer or prescribe drugs. So, unless you have a medical degree that allows you to prescribe and administer medication, you cannot administer these injectables.

How does Botox® or Dysport® injections help the ageing process?

With the extensive use of Botulinum Toxin injections worldwide, research and experience have indicated that consistent usage over a decade can effectively delay the ageing process. By utilising Botulinum Toxin to relax facial expressions, we mitigate the formation of skin breaks or wrinkles. Continuous relaxation of the skin allows for collagen accumulation in treated areas, leading to improved wrinkle appearance.

Consistent Botulinum Toxin injections every 4 to 5 months offer a superior long-term solution, as they prevent collagen depletion caused by repetitive muscle movements.

Botox® and Dysport® safe?

Facial injections of Botulinum Toxin have emerged as a cornerstone of facial rejuvenation, effectively smoothing away frown lines and easing tension in furrowed brows. Endorsed by the FDA for cosmetic purposes, Botulinum Toxin boasts a stellar safety profile, making it the go-to cosmetic procedure worldwide. With over a decade of utilisation in aesthetic practices and more than two decades in neurology and ophthalmology, Botulinum Toxin Facial enjoys robust support from numerous publications, affirming its efficacy and safety.

For optimal results, Botulinum Toxin Facial injections should be administered in a physician's office by a seasoned medical doctor who is well-versed in facial muscular anatomy and the aesthetic nuances of precise placement. The success of the procedure hinges greatly on the injector's experience.

What to expect after a Botox® or Dysport® injectable treatment?

After a Botulinum Toxin procedure, temporary side effects like mosquito-bite-like areas may occur, typically lasting 20-60 minutes and resolving spontaneously. Occasionally, small red areas at injection sites may appear but usually vanish within a couple of days. It's advisable to avoid lying down for at least 4 hours post-procedure to minimise the risk of Botulinum Toxin diffusion to adjacent areas.

  • You can resume your regular skincare routine immediately after treatment, and makeup application is permitted.
  • Exercise should be avoided for 24 hours following Botulinum Toxin injections.

To reduce the risk of bruising, refrain from using aspirin-containing products or high-dose vitamin E supplements for 48 hours before the procedure, although ideally, avoidance for 10 days prior is recommended.

How long does Botox® or Dysport® last?

After undergoing treatment, initial improvements in lines may become noticeable within 4 days, with the full effect typically manifesting after 14 days. Results vary, lasting up to 4 months, depending on individual response and initial Botulinum Toxin dosage. "Baby Botox®" involves administering Botulinum Toxin in three areas at half the usual dose, providing a shorter-lasting effect of 6 to 8 weeks, ideal for actors requiring facial expression.

Repeated Botulinum Toxin treatments can extend the duration of results over time.

Patients with hyperactive brows may experience a shorter duration of effect as the Botulinum Toxin is metabolised more quickly in these individuals.


I love Skin Renewal, I have been a patient for 18 years and they have supported me on my skin and health journey through multiple phases of my life. The incredible Dr. Maureen and her team are inspiring, considered and always looking for the latest innovation to address my concerns. My incredible therapist, Crai-dean, goes above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and she keeps me informed of all the steps she is taking. I love the smart, beautiful woman at this branch.


Got botox done for my frown lines. So happy with the results and Dr Rulene explained everything to me with great detail and patience for all of my questions. Thank you to the amazing team at Skin Renewal Willowbridge.


I’ve been going to skin renewal west rand for a long time and I’ve always been treated so well! I’m so happy with the treatments I’ve received. Will definitely recommend to anyone!


Always a lovely experience with friendly, professional service. Dr Tarryn is the absolute best for fillers and botox - completely pain-free and done with such attention to detail.


Amazing in every dimension!


What an amazing experience. I was so nervous as this was my first time getting any procedure done and I have very thin and sensitive skin and the staff were so friendly and welcoming and calming and gave me all the reassurance I needed for the botox procedure and answered all my questions and concerns in the weeks and months even leading up to it, during the session as well as after the session. Dr Merle is absolutely amazing. She was so professional, kind, compassionate and knowledgeable and was so soothing with every minute that passed during the procedure. Not to mention the whole aura look and feel of the place feels like you are in heaven. Today is day 1 so look forward to seeing the results and hoping for the best but I know Skin Renewal will guide me and be my side every step of the way in the weeks to come. Highly recommend to anyone!


The soothing atmosphere and lovely reception staff at the Irene branch were so welcoming and my Botox by Dr Janene was expertly done. I had no bruising and saw results within a few days. I look forward to trying some other treatments in the future.


I got my Botox and Fillers done with Dr Toni at the Claremont branch over a year ago and I will not trust anyone else with my skin! Dr Toni is an incredible doctor and it's always a pleasure visiting the friendly and professional face at Claremont!


I would give this 10 stars if I could. I'm extremely happy with the service from Dr. Lestonn Lawn. I basically got a far better service for half the price of what I would usually get it for overseas. He and his shadowing doctor were extremely professional and competent. Honestly I cannot reiterate enough that I got better results in Sandton than I did in Manhattan for half the price. Highly recommend.


Dr. Trent is managing my skin care plan now that I have entered my thirties - and I couldn’t rave about his attentiveness higher!
