English vocab: Café edition

Hey there! 안녕! Salaam! سلام ! 安宁!  Привет! Oi! Сайн yy! Merhaba! こんにちは!

In this lesson, we will learn words and scenarios related to coffee shops.

이번 수업에서 카페에 대해 단어와 시나리오를 공부할게. 다 영어로 쓸건데 어떤 단어 모르면 영/영 사전만 사용하라.


1- Use an English dictionary to translate words (like Cambridge dictionary).

2- If you have questions, ask.


Part one: words:

  1. 머그장 mug, 일회용컵 paper cup
  2. 진하게 strong/thick 연하게 weak/mild
  3. 저지방 Low-fat 무지방 Skim/Skimmed
  4. 우유 milk 두유 soy milk
  5. 현금 cash 신용 카드 credit card

You know the items’ names in English from the menu. So instead, we’ll focus on the actions 메뉴에서 제품을 영어로 공부할 수 있잖아요. 그래서 동사(행동)를 초점 맞을게. Also, you can find several vocab lists online, like here.

Part two: Phrases

What a customer may say:

  1. Adding 추가:
    • Please add more ice.
    • I want Americano with medium sugar, please.
    • I want Americano, double shot. = with an extra shot.
    • I’d like to have waffles with extra maple syrup, please. (I’d like to have = I want)
    •  I’ll have ice Americano, with just a little ice, please. (I’ll have = I want)
    • Can I get an extra fork, please? (Can I get = I want)
    • May I have a wet tissue, please? (May I have = I want) (wet tissue = 물티슈)
  2. Removing 제거:
    • Can I get an English muffin, please? And take off the ham.
    • I’ll have Mocha Frappuccino, without whipped cream.
    • Please don’t add red beans to the Bingso.
    • I’d like to have Caramel latte, but not too sweet, please. (not too… = not very…)
  3. Asking / inquiring 문의:
    • What kind of coffee do you have?
    • Where is the toilet? (toilets = bathroom = washroom)
    • Is there a free table? (free = available)
  4. Complaining ㅜㅜ
    • The food is cold. ( = the food is rather cold)
    • This is not what I ordered. ><
    • It’s too salty.
    • The latte is full of syrup. = This latte is too sweet.
      • 답장: I’m sorry, I’ll make another one. = Sorry, I’ll replace it for you.

What a barista may say:

  1. First sentence:
    • What would you like to have today?
    • May I take your order?
    • What can I get for you today?
  2. And then:
    • hot or ice?
    • 여기/포장: For here? — or: for here or to go? — or: for here or take-out?
  3. Size:
    • What size do you like?
    • Regular size? [or: Tall size?] (Short = Small, Tall = Medium, Grande = Large, Venti = Extra large) [originally, “Venti” in Italian means “twenty”, meaning 20 ounces or 567 grams].
  4. Extras:
    • with (whipped cream)?
  5. Asking 부탁:
    • 영수증 드릴까요? Do you want the receipt?
    • Would you like to have a stamp card (loyalty card)?  (Would you like to have = Do you want)
    • Please check if there’s a free table first.
    • Sugar is right there, self-service. (right there = 저기서) (self-service = 셀프)
    • Sorry, no food from outside the shop is allowed.

Tip: Try to remember the words and phrases by drawing a sketch.

English vocab: week-3

Hey there! 안녕! Salam! سلام ! 安宁!  Привет! Oi! Сайн yy! こんにちは


NEW FEATURE! I will add “Parts of speech” section to some words. It is important to know the different forms of the word in order to use it in different situations. The parts of speech will be included in the quiz.

When I ask you to write an example, you can use the word in any part of speech you like. Isn’t that awesome! 🙂


Word: Catastrophe

Synonym: disaster

Parts of speech: catastrophic (adj.)

Example: 1. My exam results were catastrophic! ㅠㅠ ; Example 2. Hunger is a humanitarian catastrophe.

Tip: It is always used negatively.


 Remember: Always search for other examples to better understand how to use the words.

Remember-2: You’re awesome! 🙂


WARNING To my friends in S-대: all of you have to score minimum 7 out of 10. If ANY one scores lower than that, I will stop the quizzes on EVERYONE. Therefore, please 제발, help each other and study together.


______________ Week 3 vocabulary: ______________ 

Audio file: http://j.mp/suhail_q3

1-  survive (v.): To continue living  despite danger, difficulty or illness. (despite = in spite of = even though. eg “He danced despite his illness”).

Parts of speech: survival (n.), survivor: The surviving person (n.).

Example: 1) After getting lost in the desert, Suhail survived by eating plants. 2) A huge storm hit the village. The impact was catastrophic . Only one family survived.


2-  shrink (v.): To become smaller (in size), fewer (in amount) or less in value. (v2. shrank, v3. shrunk).

Parts of speech: shrinkage (n.)

Example: 1) The shirt shrank when it was washed. 2) The town’s population shrank during the war. 3) The treatment should shrink the tumor.


3-  adjust (v.): To change; to adapt or get used to something. (v2 & v3: adjusted).

Synonym: change; adapt (depending on the context).

Parts of speech: adjustment (n.), adjustable (Adj.)

Example: 1) When I arrived to Korea, I adjusted my watch to the Korean time zone. 2) Learning Korean is hard, but I am adjusting.


4-  feasible (adj.): possible to do; capable of being done.

Synonym: possible; worthwhile.

Parts of speech: feasibility (n.); feasibly (adv.)

Example: 1) The government is looking for a feasible way to minimize unemployment. 2) It is not feasible for me until now to go to work using a helicopter. It would be cool though!

Tip: In Business, there is a popular term called “feasibility study” which is a study done before making a business, to make sure that it is feasible.

5- implement (v.): To begin doing or using (something, such as a plan); to carry out. (v2 & v3: implemented).

Parts of speech: implementation (n.); implementer or implementor (n.). (Both spellings are used, but “implementor” is more popular).

Example: 1) We need to implement a new teaching method in order to improve students’ results. 2) They won the game because they implemented a smart strategy.


6- maintenance (n.): The act of keeping something in a good condition.

Parts of speech: . maintain (v.)

Example: 1) My building is very bad due to years of poor maintenance. 2) He maintained scoring high in quizzes.

Tip: In companies, the department responsible for checking the plumbing (water flow in the building), electricity and Air Conditioning is called “Maintenance department”.


7-  rotate (v.): To turn around in a circular (=like a circle) movement. (v2 & v3: rotated).

Parts of speech: rotation (n.).

Example: To open the door, insert the key then rotate it clockwise.

Tip: Sometimes, you will see the words: “clockwise” and “counter-clockwise” after the word “rotate”. Clockwise means the same movement as the clock. As in this pictures:





8-  source (n.): someone or something that provides what is wanted or needed   the origin or cause (starting point) of something  ;  a person or a book or a website that gives information.

Parts of speech: source (v.)

Example: 1) To know the truth, media should not be your only source of information.      2) I heard a strange sound. Where is the source of that strange sound?     3) Suhail: “Tomorrow everyone in Seoul will receive a free pizza!” Juno: “This is crazy! What’s your source?” Suhail: “A reliable source”. Juno: “I don’t believe it, I think your source is your head”.


9-  gap (n.): a space between two people or things ; a hole ; a difference between two things or two pieces of information.

Example: 1) There is a huge gap between my country’s exports and imports. 2) The garden’s gates are closed. But there is a gap in the fence, we can get inside from it!

Tip: There is a song called “A gap in the fence”, this is the album’s cover:



10- intervene (n.): To come between two times or two events. To become involved in something after it starts and before it ends. (v2 & v3: intervened).

Synonym: interfere ; interrupt

Parts of speech: intervention (n.).

Example: 1) We will end the project on time unless some crisis intervenes. 2) Our friend is in love with a bad girl. We have to intervene to make him think again about her.

Tip: When a person is doing a wrong thing for a long time without thinking about it, and getting worse , then his or her friends should intervene:






You can listen to this American radio station “National Public Radio (NPR)” to improve your pronunciation and accelerate your learning:

You have plenty of time in the bus, subway or while walking to work. Even if you don’t understand what they say, keep listening. Your brain will learn.


Links to previous lessons:

Week-2: click here

Week-1: click here



English vocabulary: Week-2

Hey there! 안녕! Salam! سلام ! 安宁!  Привет! Oi! Сайн yy! こんにちは

NEW FEATURE! I will add “Tip” section to some words, to add additional information about the word.


Word: Look

Synonym: see; watch.

Example: Look at the moon! it’s beautiful, just like you!

Tip: When we add (-ing forward, out, up or after) after the word “look”, it gets a different meaning. Look after = take care of. Looking forward = hoping. Look up = search (in a book or on the internet). Look out = be careful.



1- Search for more examples to understand the word.

2- If you get full score 3 times, you will receive a book that will help you study TOEFL vocabulary.

3- When you answer the quiz, please write a different synonym and a different example.

4- Sometimes I write difficult examples, to diversify difficulty level. << Wait, what does “diversify” mean? << It’s in this week’s vocabulary! ^^

5- Don’t struggle alone. If you feel confused please tell me. 제가 돕고 싶으니까 confused으면 연락하세요.

6- n. = noun; adj.=adjective; V1= Present; V2= Past; V3= Past participle.


______________ Week 2 vocabulary: ______________ 

Audio file: http://j.mp/suhail_q2 (Sorry for the quality ^^” ).

1- Impact (n.): A strong effect or influence.

Tip: This word is usually followed by “on” or “of”. (i.e. “impact of” or “imapct on”).

Examples: 1) K-pop has an impact on the number of Korean language students. 2) The impact of K-pop on Korean language students is noticeable.

2- Adapt (v): to adjust to the circumstances/conditions; to get used to a new environment; to make (something) suitable for a new purpose or usage.  (V1: adapt. V2 & V3: adapted).

Tip: This word is usually followed by “to” then the condition/environment..etc.

Examples: 1) Foreign workers have to adapt to the fast-paced Korean lifestyle. 2) I adapted the quiz for my friends’ level.

3- Diverse (adj.): various; showing a lot of differences within a group.

n. = Diversity

v. = Diversify

Examples: 1)Our company has a culturally diverse team; it includes many nationalities and different backgrounds. 2) Diversity stimulates creativity.

4- Often: frequently; many times.

Tips: 1) “Often” is used in British English more than American English. However, both use it. 2) Sometimes, “quite” is used before “often”. “quite often” = ” very often”. 3) The letter “t” in “often” is silent in American English, but spoken in British English.

Examples: 1) We often meet after work. 2) My friend travels more often than me.

5- Feature (n.): characteristic; something special.

Tips: 1)“feature” is always used positively. 2) “feature”  is often followed by “of”.

Example: The best feature of this car is its heated seats.

6- process (n. + v.): prepare; a series of steps/operations leading to a result. (v1. Process; v2.&v3. Processed).

Tip: Do you know the “processor” in your computers? It literally means the device which processes the data and commands in your computer.

Examples: 1) Learning a new language is a long process. 2) Your order is being processed. It did not finish yet. 3) This computer has a fast processor!

7- constraint (n.): limitation; something that restricts an action.

v. = Constrain (v2. & v3. constrained).

Examples: 1) One of the biggest constraints of learning a new language is the different grammar. 2) My busy schedule constrains me from participating.

8- Catastrophic (adj.): disastrous; extremely harmful.

n. = Catastrophe.

Tip: It is always used negatively.

Examples: 1) The financial crisis had catastrophic effect on the world’s economy. 2) Criticizing her make-up was completely catastrophic for our relationship =_=.

9-maximize (v.): to increase or make (something) as much as possible (v2. & v3. Maximized ).

n. = Maximization.

Tips: 1)”Maximization” is the action of increasing something as much as possible, and “Maximum” is the highest/greatest value. 2) The word “maximum” is abbreviated as “max.”. 

Examples: 1)  Teacher: Maximize your reading speed! Student: I can’t! This is my maximum speed!! 2) Client: What is the maximum speed of this car?  Salesperson: You can drive up to 200 kilometers per hour!

10- Minimize (v.): to decrease or make (something) as low as possible (v2. & v3. Minimized). 

n. – Minimization.

Tips: 1)”Minimization” is the action of decreasing something as much as possible, and “Minimum” is the lowest/weakest value. 2) The word “minimum” is abbreviated as “min.”.

Example: 1) To improve your abilities, maximize your strength and minimize your weakness. 2) Because it is the end of the month.. I don’t have money but I want to go shopping! ㅠㅠ Therefore, I have to keep my spending to a minimum.


Have an awesome weekend!

English vocab: Rules + Week 1-1

Hey there! 안녕! Salam! سلام ! 安宁!  Привет! Oi! Сайн yy! こんにちは!

This quiz is given to my friends in different companies.I send the link on Saturday, and conduct the quiz during lunch break at any day during the week.

You can join us if you live in Seoul. Also, feel free to share the link with your friends, and I will send you the quiz by email. Why am I doing this? Because I love knowledge, and I want you to learn. Do your best! 화이팅!

______________ Rules: ______________ 

  • Every week, I will send you a webpage link which contains new words to study for that week. On Tuesday, we will have a quiz on all the words that we have studied.

매 주에 웹페이지 링크 보낼 거예요. 그 페이지 단어 있는데요. 화요일에, 모든 이전 단어 퀴즈에 있을 거예요.

  • We will have a quiz once a week (one time every week).

영어 시험을 매주에 1번 봐요.

  • If one person can’t take the exam, others still must take it.

한 사람 시험을 못 보면, 다른 사람들 봐야 해요.

  • This is a vocabulary lesson only; If you have a question, search online. If you can’t find an answer, ask me.

이 수업은 단어만 해요. 질문 있으면 인터넷으로 찾으세요. 대답을 못 찾으면 저에게 물어보세요.

  • If the word is a verb, I will write the present (V1), past (V2) and past participle (V3) forms. Please note that American English is sometimes different from the British English in writing the past form. We will use the American English.
  • If any one scores < 7/10 (less than 7 out of 10) in 2 consecutive weeks, the English lessons will stop. Therefore, study hard together.

1 주에 >7/10 점 두 번 받으면, 우리 영어 수업이 끝날 거에요. 그러니까, 열심히 친구랑 공부하세요.

  • If you score 10/10 3 consecutive times, I will give you a gift.

10/10점 세 번 받으면 선물을 줄 거예요. ^^ Every quiz will ask you for a synonym (similar word) and an example for each word. For example:

Word: Synonym Synonym: Similar word Example: The synonym for resting is relaxing.

After every quiz, I will ask you to pronounce the words (You can find the audio file link below). 발음 시험 또 있으니까 오디오 파일 들으세요 (링크 아래 있는데요). — 제 한국어 잘 못하니까 미안해요 ^^;;

______________ Sample quiz: ______________  Question color. Answer color.

Please write a synonym and an example for each one of the words below:

Word: Correct

Synonym: right. error-free, not false.

Example: I hope I can answer correctly.

Word: Blind

Synonym: Can’t see.

Example: Love is blind.

Word: Fluency / Fluent

Synonym: The ability to use a language easily and accurately.

Example: I am fluent in Portuguese language.


& now, 시~작!

______________ Week 1-1 vocabulary: ______________ 

Audio file: http://j.mp/suhail_q1 (Note: I said by mistake “This beautiful tree have“; I should have said “has“).


1- Abundance/Abundant: A very large quantity of something.

Example: This beautiful tree has abundant branches.

2- Fluency (+ly): Using a language easily and accurately.

Example: I am fluent in Arabic language. You are fluent in Korean language.

3- Frequent (+ly): Doing something many times.

Example: I visit this coffee shop frequently.

4- Rare (+ly): A very few quantity of something OR Doing something very few times.

Example: 1) Tolerance is rare these days. 2) I rarely drink mango juice.

5- Regular (+ly): Doing something routinely.

Example: I regularly brush my teeth.

6- Quit: To stop doing something. (V1 & V2 & V3: Quit ).

Example: I quit my job. (Present & Past: Quit).

7- Accuracy/Accurate: Doing something precisely in an excellent manner.

Example: Weather forecast is accurate most of the times.

8- Obtain: To possess. To own something. (V1: Obtain. V2 & V3: Obtained).

Example: Please obtain your ID card from the office.

9- Abandon: To leave something/someone (used negatively); (V1: Abandon. V2 & V3: Abandoned).

Example: 1) This child is alone, he was abandoned by his parents. 2) The passengers had to abandon the sinking ship.

10-Anticipate: To expect. (V1: Anticipate. V2 & V3: Anticipated).

Example: Doctors anticipated the occurrence of lung cancer for smokers.



Q: What is V1 & V2 & V3?

A: V from Verb 동사. V1 = Present tense. V2 = Past tense. V3 = Past participle. 

I want your feedback on whether the words are very hard or very easy for you. Have a great day!