Two great examples of Twitter and Facebook being used for customer service in higher education

Here’s two great examples of why social media curation is vital – they pretty much speak for themselves…

An awesome conversation on twitter

An enquiry from a student is dealt with almost straight away – leading to, hopefully, a re-enforcement of their belief in the university as a credible organisation.

(Taken from Malmö University’s Twitter)


Awesome answer from Facebook - Lund University….in other circumstances that might be too long an answer, but in this case  – where the student is concerned – it’s totally appropriate…

awesome answer from Lund continued…the conversation continues, and what’s really cool here is that by asking questions the admin engages the student….

…and this ties it up really nicely. An initially concerned student is now meeting a member of staff in their own country – can your website or a brochure do that? Don’t think so.
(Taken from Lund University’s Facebook page)

One thought on “Two great examples of Twitter and Facebook being used for customer service in higher education

  1. Great example John! Now the student might tell 10 of her friends about her great experience and the goodwill will return back to the university.

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