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Bulletproof #1

The Undercover Rock Star

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A spur-of-the-moment vacation was supposed to jolt Cameron Douglas out of his funk, but it appears he only traded locations. It was a chance meeting with a handsome stranger that changed everything. Brandon stirs Cameron's interest and his heart, but will the mysterious man reveal his true identity before their vacation in paradise is over?

Sometimes life in the spotlight was a heavy weight to bear for Brandon Bullet. He never knew if men were interested in him as a person or just enamored with his rock star status – until he meets Cameron Douglas. It wasn't often that Brandon shared a connection with someone who wasn't aware of his notoriety. He's determined to keep his identity a secret while the two of them get to know each other and before someone blows his cover.


First published March 1, 2016

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About the author

Jenna Galicki

34 books407 followers
Jenna Galicki, Author of Adult Contemporary Romance

Jenna Galicki writes mostly rock star romance in multiple genres. She is predominantly known for her Radical Rock Stars Series. The Prince of Punk Rock (Radical Rock Stars Book 1) was a finalist in the 2015 Bisexual Book Awards.

A native New Yorker, she now resides in Southern California. She's a Rottweiler enthusiast and an avid music buff. When she's not hunched over a computer, you can find her front row at a rock concert.
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15 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews
March 23, 2016
You know it's bad when you start skimming the sex scenes.

I totally believe that the lead singer of one of the world's biggest rock bands would fall for a guy in 36 hours and then spend the next six months celibate and pining cause said guy lost his phone.

Actually, NO, no I don't.

No character development, nonexistent plot; extra star because in this world all the rock stars are gay, as they should be.

Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,781 reviews12.9k followers
March 26, 2016
"Food had never been such a delicate seduction."

"...until a tiny round potato was offered to him. The soft rose-colored skin was dimpled and speckled, and he wanted it in his mouth. It was firm on his tongue until he bit into it, and then the warm center exploded with a warm, buttery flavor."

"The forkful of food filled Cameron's mouth and satiated its emptiness with zest."

"The lustful expression was an arousing sight that made Cameron's cock ache."

"He picked up a glass of champagne and drank, then tipped it to Brandon's lips so he could partake of the effervescent liquid."

"...chewed it with an insatiable desire..."

"...watched with yearning."

"...while he sucked one brown, juicy chunk after the other... "

"...engorged and satisfied..."

"The zipper of his jeans sliced open with a gritty screech..."

Bad writing is bad. Death by adjectives and adverbs... And food has never been less sexy.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,265 reviews181 followers
November 8, 2017
Okay I'm not even a little embarrassed to admit (hell I'll shout it from the roof) I totally purchased this one because John Solo and Nick J. Russo narrate it together. They must have practically died laughing during some of the scenes... both the characters are pretty macho guys which leads to some posturing and strutting. I'm guessing the author isn't taking it too seriously, and if you can laugh when you read (or listen to) this one, you're going to have a great time.

Nick J. Russo truly deserves an award for his performance. That he could utter the words, "I'm gonna bottom you so hard..." and not burst out laughing, amazing! (And he actually sells it pretty well.) I can only imagine how many times they almost passed out in hysterics. I really hope Solo and Russo narrate something together again, just please not another novel by this author.

I can't rate the story, it wouldn't be fair.
Profile Image for ♡ Martina ♡.
218 reviews223 followers
March 8, 2022
3.5 ⭐
Un "romanzo" decisamente molto breve, ma vedendo che i sequel sono più lunghi penso che funga da piccola introduzione alla storia vera e propria. I protagonisti sono Cameron e Brandon due uomini diversi tra loro, il primo lavora come contabile e il secondo, invece, è una delle rockstar più famose del momento. Cosa gli accomuna? Una vacanza in un resort di lusso.
Ed è proprio lì comincia questa storia.
Questa novella non racconta nulla di particolare o approfondito, ci presenta il loro incontro e l'inizio della loro storia d'amore che prospetta tutt'altro che semplice. I personaggi non sono definiti molto e nel libro sono presenti molte scene spicy che, penso, servano a far capire la passione che nasce tra Cam e Brandon.
Devo dire che è ben scritto, lo stile è scorrevole e molto semplice. Nel complesso è molto carino ma è poco più che un'introduzione quindi sono rimasta un po' delusa perché il tutto è abbozzato e avrei preferito una scena spicy in meno per approfondire il loro incontro e la loro conoscenza, ma come ho detto, alla fine non è malaccio.
Profile Image for dammit, liz .
231 reviews2 followers
December 10, 2016
Well, the title and the cover should give you a good idea what to expect. But hey, that's not to say it's not entertaining. As far as smut for the sake of smut, it's not that bad, but the plot is pretty damn silly. As is the dialogue. There were a few lines that made me laugh pretty hard- comments about Brandon Bullet's (yup, that's his name) enormous nipples, for example. And I can think of more appetizing ways to describe steak than "juicy brown chunks." Just... judge this book by its cover.
Profile Image for Lara Di Iorio.
388 reviews12 followers
December 31, 2020
Non avevo dubbi che l'avrei adorato 😍
Bello, bello bello❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Brandi.
1,157 reviews148 followers
June 1, 2018
3.5 Under Cover Stars

If you're looking for something hot and dirty, this is the story for you!

Cam and Brandon have a chance meeting at a resort. Both taking a break from their normal lives, the last thing they expected to find was a partner.

This is told in third person POV. The narration adds an extra bit of dirty because there's always something more real when someone is saying the dirty things in your ears versus when you read them with your eyes.

John Solo and Nick J. Russo are new-to-me narrators. I'm excited to see what else they have narrated as I enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for SoCalBookReviews.
602 reviews19 followers
February 26, 2018
This book was a super light fun Listen its like a prelude to the actual story but I think this book is fine as a short standalone. The two narrators did a great job with both the voices and making the book come together. I felt like this book was a little on the corny side but that's also what made it good! It was pretty enjoyable to listen to. Brandon is the undercover rock star who happens along Cameron on vacation. They spend a very short amount of time together and totally hit it off. They say they will keep in contact but after a few months of radio silence... Nothing... Now.. if this was RL there are plenty of ways to find and contact someone.. Ends in a HEA/HFN. No cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Kathleen R..
1,408 reviews43 followers
August 31, 2017

4 unexpected stars

For the last few weeks, i had watched (and posted) as Jenna Galicki's Bulletporrf series came out, one after the other. While M/M genre novels aren't my usual go to books, when it's very well written, it'll unexpectedly tickle me to read more from the author. So, i had my curiosity picked from the blurb and wanted to find out just what this author had to offer.

4 breathtaking dreams

It was a short read - i finished the book in less time than it takes me to drive from my parents' and that's an hour and a half, but it was an interesting one. Cameron and Brandon's meeting and subsequent relationship happened incredibly fast, although my favorite parts have to be when they were fighting for the upper hand between one another, which is why i'm more than a little curious as to what happens to them in the next instalment of the series.

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

50 Book Reviews  Professional Reader

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Profile Image for Veronica.
1,063 reviews140 followers
January 30, 2022
Cameron è un giovane contabile newyorkese che ha bisogno di staccare un po' dal lavoro. Cosa c'è di meglio che un bel weekend di relax a Rio?
Tanto sole, cocktail e tanti bei ragazzi da adocchiare.
Mentre si trova al bar, la sua attenzione viene catturata da un bel ragazzo americano, biondo, occhi azzurri, tatuato e con dei peccaminosi pearcing ai capezzoli.
L'attrazione tra i due è immediata e Cameron e Brandon passano insieme una notte di fuoco.
Anche Brandon si è sentito subito attratto dal ragazzo all'apparenza molto dolce che ha di fronte.
Ma la cosa che certamente lo ha colpito di più è che Cam sia interessato a lui come Brandon e non come Brandon Bullet, cantante dei Bulletproof.
Perchè non ha la più pallida idea di chi sia e che cosa faccia nella vita Brandon.
Anche dopo averlo scoperto, l'atteggiamento di Cam non cambia e i due ragazzi cercano di vivere al massimo il tempo che resta loro prima di tornare in America.
Perchè entrambi sono consapevoli che una volta finita la vacanza finirà anche la loro storia.

Prequel della serie Bulletproof nel quale impariamo a conoscere i protagonisti del primo volume, Cameron e Brandon.
Il libro è breve ma non per questo è sviluppato in modo approssimativo. Anzi.
Ho trovato i due ragazzi ben caratterizzati, impariamo a conoscerli a poco a poco e scorgiamo come Brandon abbia davvero bisogno di qualcuno che lo apprezzi come persona e non solo come cantante famoso. L'ambiente dal quale viene è lontano anni luce da quello da cui viene Cam e sicuramente saranno tanti gli ostacoli che si metteranno tra di loro ma l'autrice è stata in grado di incuriosirmi e di farmi venire voglia di leggere il libro principale.
Il libro è infarcito di scene hot ma sono ben descritte e mai volgari.
Ho apprezzato molto il finale e soprattutto il comportamento di Brandon durante i mesi di distacco, ma forse perchè ho l'animo romantico in fondo.
Molto in fondo, ma c'è.
Continuerò la serie.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,899 reviews
March 26, 2019
This is short but so hot! If the other book were on Audible, I'd be listening right now. Cam and Brandon meet in Rio and immediately connect. Brandon is a rock star and loves that Cam doesn't recognize him and he likes Cam despite his fame. Their chemistry was great and I like that this leads into a bigger story. I'll have to get it on Kindle asap!
Profile Image for W.
1,433 reviews137 followers
May 29, 2019
Quick hot story

Audio and E-book review 3 stars

I whispersync (reading while listening) The Undercover Rock Star as this book is free with Amazon Audible Romance Package membership and on the KU membership subscription.

This is a quick short story of insta -lust , Insta-love ; well, insta every thing as 90% of the book take place during 2 days and 1 night .

So, you know the drill , right? Hot man meets an even hotter man on a bar, by the beach while on vacation , their chemistry and sexual compatibility is off the charts hot. Love promises are made , phone numbers are exchanged. This and that happens and it ends in a HFN or maybe it's a HEA, I think as there wasn't an epilogue.

What I liked :
👍lots of sexy times
👍narration was very good
👍no drama
👍no angst

What I didn't like: there are few inconsistencies and inaccurate information. At first, I wasn't going to mention ; didn't want to appear I was nitpicking but alas, it did bothered me.

👎 The plot had me stretching my suspension of disbelief to the max.

👎Cameron one of the heroes said he was in a weekend getaway. A non-stop, direct flight from New York to Rio de Janeiro it's 9hours and 48minutes . Add the 3 hours ahead , you need to be be at the airport for an international flight . So far it's close to 26 hours and you know about the different times zones right. And that Rio de Janeiro it's on the southern hemisphere and New York is western hemisphere ; meaning when is Summer Manhattan is Winter in Rio.

👎Tacos and taco salad isn't a staple food in Brazilian cuisine and culture. Mandioca is to Brazil what corn is to Mexico.

👎Rio de Janeiro is NOT AN ISLAND in the Caribbean . It's the name of seaside city and state in Brazil.

In summary: if you want to relax for a 1hour and half with a quick, sexy dirty , uncomplicated tale and escape the daily grind , it's very likely you will enjoy this book.
Profile Image for JoAnna G.
677 reviews10 followers
July 20, 2016
This book was a super fast read and easy kind of fluff. sometimes its good to have fluff. You have a rockstar that is incognito and wants to stay that way. Then you have Cam that just doesn't have a clue. I thought it was cute.
Profile Image for Donna.
3,017 reviews39 followers
June 7, 2017
Well, that was... interesting in a "Hello... I can't live without you... but, you are going to be gone from my life forever in the morning!" kind of way... Yeah, it was interesting! ;p
Profile Image for Annery.
987 reviews149 followers
September 21, 2017
I like to have short audio as a back up for when I can't read on my commute. Today I chose this. What did it have going for it? It was the right price, the length was commute perfect, and Nick J. Russo was one of the narrators along with John Solo What's not to like? Well ... the story is ...

Cam is an accountant who comes to a resort in Rio to get over having been dumped. While sitting at the resort bar he's picked up by a tattooed, long haired, walking Adonis. Said man turns out to be Brandon Bullet of the band Bullet Proof, an arena filling hard rock band. Brandon is spending some down time while on tour and hoping to be anonymous and he's in luck because Brandon doesn't know who he is or even heard of the band. Boring accountant. In any case they hook up and have life altering sex.

I wasn't mad at any of this. I didn't go into this expecting high lit or anything close to that. The insta-lust was totally fine because it's the raison d'être of a book like this. What got a bit annoying was this back and forth struggle between the MCs to determine who was dominant in any particular encounter and somehow equating bottoming as being submissive but at the same time having Cam be a super dominant/bossy bottom etc. I became exhausting. Also I kind of didn't love Cam. Yes, he's a guy who lives a pretty square life having his first big adventure and I liked that in spite of being the "civilian" in the couple he asserted himself sexually, but I just didn't love him.

I liked this for what it was: a sex romp. I also loved that apparently most of the band is gay and it's not something anyone feels compelled to comment about. Just normal. It got cheesy at times, the last encounter could've skipped the food foreplay, and I didn't believe a word of it. I'm pretty sure I would've liked it less if I'd read it but as an AB it did it's job. Do I want to read the next book? Not immediately.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Monica Sorrenti.
719 reviews13 followers
January 26, 2021
Delizioso e ad alto tasso erotico.
Un colpo di fulmine in piena regola con tutte le vicissitudini di due mondi differenti che li tiene lontano.
Credo proprio che leggerò il romanzo che li vede protagonisti.
Kindle Unlimited torna utile anche per conoscere nuovi autori.
Profile Image for Melissa Mendoza.
2,551 reviews54 followers
March 15, 2016
Title:The Undercover Rock Star
Author: Jenna Galicki
Series: Bulletproof Series, Book #1
Publisher: Beau Publishing
Release Date: March 15, 2016
Genre(s): M/M Rock Romance
Page Count: 41
Heat Level: 4 flames out of 5
Rating: 4 stars out of 5

A spur-of-the-moment vacation was supposed to jolt Cameron Douglas out of his funk, but it appears he only traded locations. It was a chance meeting with a handsome stranger that changed everything. Brandon stirs Cameron's interest and his heart, but will the mysterious man reveal his true identity before their vacation in paradise is over?
Sometimes life in the spotlight was a heavy weight to bear for Brandon Bullet. He never knew if men were interested in him as a person or just enamored with his rock star status – until he meets Cameron Douglas. It wasn't often that Brandon shared a connection with someone who wasn't aware of his notoriety. He's determined to keep his identity a secret while the two of them get to know each other and before someone blows his cover.

“They went from laughter to silence in an instant, and Brandon knew a kiss was about to transpire. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach, and hot passion stirred inside him. His half-closed eyes centered on Cam’s mouth, and those gorgeous lips fell upon him with a hat hotter than the Brazilian sun.”

4 rock stars!!! Brandon and Cameron are one hot couple!

Cameron is on a mini vacation from his boring, repetitive life. He’s just looking to get away, not looking to fall in love or a man for that matter. But when he meets Brandon on the beach, he knows he can’t resist this sexy man. Brandon, is on a mini vacation and lying low, you see he’s the lead singer from Bulletproof, and he likes when he’s not noticed everytime he goes out. So when he meets Cameron and realizes that Cameron has no clue who he is, he’s intrigued. What starts out as a fun chat, escalates to a night a passion and then Cameron and Brandon realize there may be more to their relationship. But when Cameron finds out he’s hooking up with a rock star will that change his view? Will their relationship work?

This book is packed full of sexy, hotness! Is there inta love? Yes!! Does it work? I think it does, simply because it happens for some in the real world. And let me tell you Brandon and Cameron are to dominant, sexy men!! I love Jenna’s books, so I knew when I got my hands on this book, I’d love this one too….and I was right!!!

me alphabookclub
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Melissa from Alpha Book Club description
Profile Image for Bitchie.
1,464 reviews76 followers
June 18, 2017
Didn't do it for me. Too much sex, for such a short story, and considering one guy was a boring accountant (his words, not mine!), and the other was a huge rock star, they were very hard to tell apart! I kept losing track of who was who. I also didn't buy that Brandon rockstar would fall for a guy so fast, that he'd be totally celibate for 6 months, after spending just a day together. And the ending conflict, where they lost touch, felt like a whole lot of melodrama, that wasn't even played out, just

Also, I know the author was trying to play up a "two alpha males fighting for dominance" thing, but these guys got nothing on Ty and Zane, Dex and Sloane, or Tommy and Prophet!
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,784 reviews27 followers
September 18, 2017
Cameron is on vacation trying to get over an ex in Rio. He meets a “mysterious stranger” at a bar and they have an instant connection. One thing leads to another leads to hot sex back in the cabana! Eventually Cameron learns his “stranger” is a very famous rock star named Brandon Bullet (though Cameron isn’t familiar with the band) and the two face a decision over what happens next.


This is a short story with a promise of more to come. So, with that in mind, and a HUGE GRAIN OF SALT, I give you this review:

I liked it! Sure, there was SO MUCH that was a bit (ahem) unbelievable, but it was FUN! I loved the idea of a hard rockin’ bunch of gay guys with tender hearts finding love on the beach in Rio. (I also kinda love this trope – the secret rich guy who sweeps the plain Joe off his feet…YUM!)

Cameron and Brandon also have unique chemistry in that both are a bit “alpha” and I like it when authors shake up those preconceptions. I also liked that being gay wasn’t “a thing” and that his being famous wasn’t really “a thing”. Instead it was two guys figuring out how their lives could mesh in a seemingly impossible circumstance. (Plus the smexy times were HOT!)

So… if you’re willing to suspend your disbelief and just have fun – give this one a go and look for more in the future.

4 of 5 stars


I LOVED this! This is a “duet” narration, vs. “dual” narration, in that the narrators each use their own voice for one character the entire time, so it really sounds like the two MCs are interacting with one another!

Nick is great as the sexy Brandon, and John Solo does a nice job with the conservative Cameron.

I really enjoyed this and am hoping these two will do the entire series!

6 of 5 stars

Overall 5 of 5 stars
Profile Image for Carra.
1,719 reviews30 followers
May 8, 2016
This is the first story I’ve read by Jenna Galicki, and I just have to say—what rock have I been hiding under that I haven’t read any of her work yet??? I loved this story, and can’t wait for the next of this series.

The characters were pretty well developed considering the short length of the story. When first introduced to Cameron, there’s no hint of his dominating personality behind closed doors…but wow, once it comes out—I still need to cool off. Brandon, he’s someone who you can feel for-I’m sure a lot of people in his position would feel like he does, hoping he can find someone who’s interested in him for him and not for who he is to the world. I love that Cameron has no idea who Brandon is.

The chemistry between them is instantaneous, intense and simply scorching. Watching the two of them try to dominate each other is unbelievably sexy and erotic, resulting in some pretty steamy and stimulating scenes. A lot of the story focuses on what happens between them in the bedroom, which for me resulted in a purely indulgent read but also now has me totally intrigued for more of Brandon and Cameron’s story.

If you’re a fan of steamy M/M romance, The Undercover Rock Star will be one story you’ll definitely want to add to your collection. As for me, I give this 5 stars and now I’m very impatiently waiting for more. Recommended for readers 18+ for adult language, explicit searingly hot M/M sexual content, and brief mentions of casual drug use.
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,480 reviews106 followers
April 20, 2016
Jenna gives really good ROCK STAR ohh yeah.

I have nothing but good things to say about Cam and Brandon. First holy freaking HOT.
I will never look at a carrot or small red potato's with out thinking of these boys that's for damn sure.

You really do have to feel for Brandon's situation, not knowing if the person you choose is there for you or for your "title" your fame. So meeting Cam and realizing he had no idea who he was, that was pretty big for Brandon.

Cam wasn't having such a good few months since his break up, so a little getaway to get his head on straight and to find a man who not only see him but wants to get to know who he is. That was pretty cool in my book.

The chemistry between these two leaps off the page. The fight for dominance was freaking HELLA HOT! I need more Cam and Brandon in my world I can't wait for more.

Here are 2 quotes that stood out to me.

"I'm glad it was with you. It's a lot of pressure being the front man in a popular band. It was nice to take a step back and out of the driver's seat for once. I could't do that with just anyone, though. it need to be with someone I trusted."

"I hope you like loud music, because you've got the best seat in the house."

Profile Image for Mari  Cardenas.
2,140 reviews25 followers
March 18, 2016
*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie in exchange for a fair and honest review. ***

When Cameron travelled to Rio to get out of his funk after his last disastrous relationship, the last thing he expected was to find a long-haired demigod that seemed intent on getting to know him. Not that the handsome stranger was all that forthcoming with his identity, but that was the least of Cameron's worries, not with the electric chemistry that sizzled everytime they touched.

I really enjoyed this book. Cameron and Brandon were so different in just about everything, but they fit so well together. Brandon was charismatic and difficult to resist, and so very mysterious as he tried to hide his identity from Cameron. And Cameron was somewhat clueless, but very likable. They were really hot together and I just loved seeing how the attraction bloomed into passion and something more.

The story is very uncomplicated, well-written, with very light to almost no angst and several hot scenes. It definitely kept my interest from beginning to end and I'm very interested in reading more of this series. Very recommendable!

Rating: 4 Stars!!!
Profile Image for Cee Brown.
1,306 reviews36 followers
October 4, 2016
╔════ . • ✰ ✰ • . . • ✰ ✰ • .════╗
.•✰Vacation never felt so good.✰•.
╚════ . • ✰ ✰ • . . • ✰ ✰ • .════╝

This was another book I had read earlier in the year and I am only now getting the review written.

“I told my travel agent I wanted to go somewhere fun, but I guess his idea of fun is a little different than mine.”

Dumped and ready to recover, Cam found himself in Rio. Even while drowning his misery, he noticed the eye candy got more delicious when his eyes landed on the gorgeous, tattooed hottie.

It had been years since he slept with someone who only thought of him as “Brandon Bullet, human being” and not “Brandon Bullet, rock star”.

Brandon was delighted to know that he could be himself with the man who didn't seem to recognize him. But how long before the mystique wear off and Cam goes running for the hills?

They had one special night together before Cam got introduced to Brandon's world. One day later, it was all over and each man moved on. Was fate on their side or were they destined to only remember the dream?

With chemistry and a good story line, Ms. G gave us an adventure ripe for the picking. Now on to the follow up...
Profile Image for Angela Lamb.
296 reviews5 followers
March 12, 2016
I received this free book in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 Stars

Cameron Douglas takes a much needed vacation to mend his broken heart, but never did he expect to meet the man of his dreams while there. Brandon Bullet is the lead singer for Bulletproof and is taking a much needed break from the chaos that surrounds his life and never imagined meeting the HAF sexy man that actually doesn’t know who he is. Sparks immediately fly between them and they spend the day getting to know each other…inside and out ;).

With the length of the book, I felt it was a little rushed, but the Cameron and Brandon have some major chemistry. If you love MM romance, then you’ll love this book. The sex is off the charts HOT! I mean come on, who doesn’t like a little man on man action?

Angela - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog
Profile Image for Chantel.
112 reviews
March 15, 2016
Great Start! I Enjoyed This Book!

I love reading Jenna's books. Her characters and story-line always grab your heart and hold it till the end. I have loved all her books, so I was excited to read her new book. This is a short and fast paced book. It took me no time to read it.

This is a great start for Jenna's new series. I really enjoyed the characters and the story-line. I can not wait to read the next book of this series.

I recommend this book. You will enjoy the chemistry between Cameron Douglas and the rock star Brandon Bullet. This is not the normal length that is in her other books. It is a quick read that is a fun and sexy to read.

There is another book that is going to be in this series, so keep an look out for it. It should be released in the Fall 2016.

Complimentary copy for an honest review
Profile Image for Kendra T.
2,587 reviews42 followers
May 19, 2016
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

This was a short story that started out really good. Cam is on vacation to get out of a funk after breaking up with his boyfriend. Brandon is on vacation with his band, but Cam has no idea who he is. There are sparks, and the two have a connection and get to know each other. They really only have 1 and a half days together before they go back to real life and vacation is over. Fast forward to 6 months when they see each other again. The end seemed a bit rushed to me, but if there is going to be a continuation of some sort, then I would be happy. I'd like to actually see them get their time together and form their relationship rather than be told that they are working things out. I enjoyed reading this, and I would be interested in continuing on with the series.
Profile Image for Renee Entress.
5,272 reviews74 followers
March 15, 2016
3.5 star

This is Cameron and Brandon’s story. Cameron is on vacation. He meets Brandon and is instantly attracted. Brandon does not believe his luck he is attracted to Cameron and that is without Cameron knowing who he is. Brandon is the lead singer for Bulletproof. Can he keep that secret to himself while he gets to know Cameron? What happens when Cameron finds out? Is it the end for these two? Do they have a future together or was this just a fling?

This was a very short read. At times it felt almost rushed.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews

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