Midnight Menu +1

Hosted ByRay Cannata & Margo Moss

Ray Cannata has eaten at over 750 New Orleans restaurants, so he knows a thing or two about hanging out. Margo Moss has turned Ted's Frostop from a greasy spoon into a considerably less greasy but not quite silver spoon. When the sun goes down on The NOLA Brewing Tap Room in the Irish Channel, Ray and Margo entertain members of New Orleans restaurant community. Their guests bring along a friend, a +1. Anything can happen.

Cooking For Strippers – Midnight Menu +1 – It’s New Orleans

Franky Vivid is one of the most colorful characters in the New Orleans food ecosystem.

franky vivid

Franky is the wearer of many hats, most of them related in one way or another to scantily clad or naked women.  Franky is the producer of internationally renowned burlesque shows – Superstars of Burlesque, and Burlesque Hall of Fame. He’s the co-founder of the live event and website, Naked Girls Reading, and if you’re wondering how any of this gets you invited on Midnight Menu +1, Franky Vivid is the creator and principal contributor to the blog, website and way of life – Cooking For Strippers.

Franky didn’t always coook for strippers. Not till he married one.

michelle l'amour

Michelle L’amour is one of the world’s best known burlesque entertainers and an internationally renowned teacher of burlesque.

michelle l'amour

Besides being Franky’s +1 on this show, Michelle, aka Mrs Vivid, is the inspiration for Franky’s culinary exploits. Michelle holds a burlesque intensive series of classes each year and, well, a girl’s gotta eat. Realizing that he enjoyed feeding burlesque dancers, Franky started blogging about it and what started out as fun food for 10 girls is now fun reading for tens of thousands of blog subscribers.

margo moss

Grant Morris sits in for Ray and helps Margo and Michelle celebrate Franky’s birthday.