jeremiah's lilypad

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WBTD? Scene 4: Mistrust turns to violence.

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Microbadge: Parent of Four GirlsMicrobadge: plusMicrobadge: Coffee addictMicrobadge: equalsMicrobadge: Plays Games with Children
Scene 4 of my "What's Behind the Door" Risus/Mythic expirement. Other scenese found here: Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3.

Here's my character so far:

Bit of a Know-It-All (4)
Athletic When I Need To Be (3)
Into Homebrew/DIY (2)
Introspective Yet Perceptive (1)

Last scene I figured out a bit more about what was going on with the bugs so I'm going to give myself one more die for each open thread. Also, going to leave the Chaos and Threat Levels alone.

Scene 4 (Chaos 7, Threat 3)
Setup: Back at this guy that helped me out's house, going to question him and see if I can get any more information on what's going on

* Get people to safety! (2/3)
* Figure out what happens to the encased people (2/2)

* Giant Godzilla-esque Monster
* Suburbanites
* Giant bugs
* Guy that gave me the info on the bugs.

Q: Scene modified?
A: 5, Altered Scene. Crap. I have a few ideas on how to alter the scene but I'm not really sure what would be the most logical alteration so...

Q: How is the scene altered? (complex)
A: 76,64 Mistrust A Burden. I can definitely work with that as it goes with some of my thoughts.

As soon as I close the door behind me, my "new friend" spins around brandishing...

Q: A kitchen knife? (very likely)
A: 26, Yes.

"Tell me why I can trust you!" he shouts, keeping the knife a bit too close for comfort. "How come you acted that way out there?!? You don't look like a fool, so what are you, some kind of spy?"

I'm going to treat this interation as a threat: "Calm the guy down".

Q: Is the threat greater than 3? (unlikely)
A: 48, threat level modified by -1, so the thread is at 2 dice.

Being a "Bit of a Know-It-All (4)" I'm going to say that I know how to conduct myself in a way that will (hopefully) calm people down: I'm going to give myself half dice (2).

"Hey man, I have no idea what's going on here but I don't want to hurt you in any way... this is all new to me."

Conflict: "Bit of a Know-It-All (2)" vs "Calm the guy down (2)"
Result: 4+2=5 vs. 5+6=11, so I lose a die. Damnit, should have pumped.

"What the hell do you mean 'this is all new to me?!?'"

"I mean that I really have no idea what is going on... Please trust me, I'm here to help."

Conflict: "Bit of a Know-It-All (1)" vs. "Calm the guy down (2)"
Result: 3 vs. 3+5=8, so I lost another die and I'm out so no calming this guy down.

Q: Does he lunge at me with the knife? (very likely)
A: 42, Yes.

Q: Is the threat greater than 3? (50/50)
A: 96 (!), so threat +2 or 5. Crap, this guy must have been training for a situation like this. Going to make the threat "Crazy dude with kitchen knife (5)"

I'm going to give him one round of conflict against my "Athletic When I Need To Be (3)", which I'm going to pump to 4.

Conflict: "Athletic When I Need To Be (3+1)" vs. "Crazy dude with kitchen knife (5)"
Result: 4+4+5+3=16 versus 5+3+3+4+6=21, so I lose 2 dice and am at 1.

The guy lunges at me as I jump backwards towards the door. His knife glances my arm as my back hits the door. Hard.

Scrambling to my feet I try to open the door... Hopefully he'll be scared enough of the bugs that he won't come out after me. Hopefully the bugs won't notice a bleeding man running through the streets. Hopefully I'll survive this... somehow.

Conflict: "Athletic When I Need To Be (1)" vs. "Crazy dude with kitchen knife (5)"
Result: 1 versus 6+2+5+5+6=24, I didn't stand a chance. So I am out of the conflict.

Q: Is he trying to kill me? (very likely)
A: 93, Yes...

Maybe exposing my back to this crazy guy wasn't such a great idea... Weird though... I feel the knife go into my back, burning pain, and then suddenly the door in front of me goes... bright? The last thing I remember, besides the pain, besides falling through the bright doorway, is the guy... this supposed "new friend", saying... "what the..."

Looking back on this scene, I probably should have had the guy's "mistrust" be a little less violent. Oh well. So far I've been pretty much recording my thoughts and the play "as it happens". I've found that this has been working really well and am enjoying doing this. I've seen other people that post Mythic plays say this before, but even if these scenes don't read very well they're A LOT of fun to play out.

That said, there are a few bits that I'm not liking with the system I've been playing. I don't like the Yes/No odds changing with respect to the Chaos level. I feel it places too much burden on how a question is asked. For the next "Episode" all Yes/No questions will use the odds given by mythic for a Chaos level of 5. Everything else Mythic related will stay the same so I will still need to track Chaos (I don't see that as a big deal at all).

The other thing that bugged me was my rules on "threat" giving that guy 5 dice. Then again, I rolled really high (96!) so maybe that was what fate had in store. The rules seemed to work alright for everything else as well... going to keep them for now.

One thing I want to keep in the back of my head as something I could try out: the Free Universal (FU) ruleset. It seems like it would work really well solo but I'm not sure how "gamey" it is (more gamey being a "good thing" in my opinion). Going to keep playing with Risus for now.
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