X-Practice Project: Application Form
Thank you for your interest! The deadline to apply for X-Practice Project was Tuesday, April 27 at 11:59PM. We will be contacting all applicants in the coming days.

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X-Practice Project is a collaborative, multidisciplinary arts incubator in Guelph. This spring and summer, youth artists aged 15 to 21 will come together to build and launch a multimedia installation, supported by experienced facilitators and mentors. The artist-participants will work collaboratively across multiple artistic mediums to create a capstone project and share it with the public.

This program is for young artists looking for an experience to help them stand out in an application to a post-secondary arts program, or to kickstart their artistic career.

Applications are due Tuesday, April 27 at 11:59pm! We are looking for artists who:
- are serious and passionate about making art (any kind, and ideally many kinds);
- live in southern Ontario; and
- are between the ages of 15 and 21.

Thanks to the generous support of the Ontario Arts Council, X-Practice Project is completely free for participants this year (typically $1200). A jury will select 10-12 participants based on responses to the application below. Ideal participants possess a combination of artistic experience/merit, innovative thinking, and a collaborative mindset.

Please reach out to us by email (xpracticeproject@gmail.com) or on socials @xpracticeproject with any questions about the application. We are here to help, and would love to make this program accessible to you!

Program schedule (dates subject to change):
May 16, May 30, June 13, June 27 - Workshops (online)
July 5-9 - Installation creation (in person, in Guelph, if safe to do so)
July 10 - Public exhibition (in person, in Guelph)

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