YouTube Success

How To Build A Successful Real Estate YouTube Channel With No Advertising

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Exploding your real estate career through the use of video

You owe it to yourself to create a business that has clients coming to you, rather than you chasing them down day after day

Thank you for considering the decision to transform your real estate career and your life and learn the ways of building a successful YouTube channel for Real Estate - where you get high quality leads reaching out TO YOU, every single day, begging to work with you when they move to your area. The best thing about YouTube is that it is 100% organic and takes no advertising to see success.

P.S. Check with your CPA as the purchase of this course is very likely a tax-deduction against your real estate income

So, Is this course right for you?

Cody Steck teaches you everything you need to know to build a successful YouTube channel from scratch, even if you have no prior experience. We will discuss everything from filming effectively, maximizing audio and video quality, what topics to talk about to ACTUALLY get results, and how to upload your videos properly to make sure they get SEEN.

These are the exact methods I used to take my personal average selling price from $319,000 to over $471,000 in just 1 year! That is an average increase in commission of $4,560 per deal! The thing is, these people moving to your area very often have high paying jobs and can afford nicer, bigger, newer homes!

Exclusive access video lectures will benefit you if:

  • ✅ You sell real estate
  • ✅ You want high quality leads reaching out to YOU
  • ✅ You want to stop cold calling, door knocking, or holding open houses
  • ✅ You know that social media is the future of real estate and you NEED to be online
  • ✅ You simply want to answer your phone and close deals
  • ✅ You want to be the GO TO Realtor in your area

Cody Steck's Mission Statement:

✅ To teach other Realtors how to effectively create real estate videos that ACTUALLY get results on YouTube.

What you get:

  • ✔️ FULL access to video lectures
  • ✔️ Mindset and Psychology behind WHY YouTube is so effective.
  • ✔️ What topics to talk about
  • ✔️ How to be yourself and be confident on camera
  • ✔️ How to attract clients that WANT to work with YOU
  • ✔️ How to create high quality videos with ease
  • ✔️ How to upload videos the RIGHT way
  • ✔️ How to research and find keywords that people are actually searching for
  • ✔️ How to get views and subscribers from day one.
  • ✔️ Why you NEED to be on YouTube if you don't want to get left behind
  • ✔️ How YouTube can help you sell to million dollar clients (I did less deals in 2020 compared to 2019, but made 2X the income, with less work!)
  • ✔️ How to establish relationships you never thought you'd have
  • 💸 BONUS: How to make money from views on your YouTube channel (My channel makes me $175/month right now for doing nothing - possible to make $1,000+/month)

PLEASE NOTE: Pricing will go up as more content is added, and the price WILL go up!

Course Curriculum

  Section 8 - Final Thoughts
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Cody Steck
Cody Steck

Hey everyone! Cody Steck here! I have been selling real estate for over 6 years now, and have built an ultra successful YouTube channel that organically provides me with 3-7 leads every single week who WANT to work with me. In 2020, in the midst of a pandemic and crazy market, I closed over $214,000 in GCI from YouTube leads alone, and in 2021, I expect that number to be well over $300,000... All of this, with $0 spent in ads!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. New content will be added periodically, 100% free.


Although this course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about building a successful real estate YouTube channel, you will still need to put in the time and effort to create these videos in order to start seeing success in your real estate career with this method.

I am not a CPA nor tax professional. Any and all information in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice. Please consult with your qualified CPA.

Get started now!