Bearbeitungszugriff anfordern
A snapshot of youth ministry from Parishes
Thank you to all who responded to our Survey about youth ministry in March. We are sharing with you an initial summary of the information sent back from 18 respondents covering 24 parishes.

Why?  To give YOU the chance to comment or add further to what’s here, or to do so for the first time. What you experience is a vital part of the picture. This will help the Commission to understand more and prepare a final draft; we can only work in partnership with you.

The summary of survey responses is available through google docs. Please click on the following link or QR Code to read the survey response summary before responding to the questions below.

What next?  The Commission will take up your feedback in finalising its description of current youth ministry in the Townsville Diocese across four areas: Parishes, Schools (Principals and staff), Catholic School Students (Yrs 10, 11, 12), and other settings, including the Youth Ambassadors’ Forums in 2020. This will form part of a report to the Bishop and the wider Diocese and be a platform for the Commission’s work in the months and years to follow.

Will Brennan, Chair, Catholic Youth Commission, Townsville Diocese
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Catholic Diocese of Townsville erstellt. Missbrauch melden