Startups need you. Are you trusted enough?
Customer Discovery - IN
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
What services does your company provide?
Name of the company *
Where are you located? *
Country, State/ City, Street, Building, Flat no. (we might drop in for a coffee) ;)
What services does your company provide for startups? *
Startup - Service provider : can the engagement be made faster & efficient?
What are the key pain points for you: when you engage with early stage startups? *
How do you address the above right now? *
What will make the process more efficient for you? *
How much would you price a service, which gives you Startups needs globally, which are like business leads for you? *
*you can pitch to fulfil these neds
Do you use any of the following paid tools *
What else could we have asked, that we missed?
We are building the ecosystem, which will help us all grow faster! Your contribution will help.
We appreciate your contribution in taking the startup ecosystem to the next orbit!
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