2023 渥太華佛光山 人間學院 秋季班- 成人班 FGS Temple of Ottawa Humanistic College, Fall Courses  Registration form- Adult
渥太華佛光山秉持星雲大師人間佛教的理念,落實寺院學校化、人文藝術化的目標,推動終身學習教育,建立真善美的社會,共創清淨人間淨土。 Venerable Master Hsing Yun established “to nurture talents through education” as one of the objectives when he founded Fo Guang Shan. Education can enhance our energy, change our temperament, and help us to build the right view. Let's register NOW!
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Correo *
中文姓名 Full Name (Chinese)
英文姓名  Full Name (English)
出生年份 Year of Birth *
性別 Gender *
聯絡電話  Phone Number *
地址 Address *
微信帳號 WeChat ID
Courses selection C -英文禪修佛學班English Meditation Dharma class (  歡迎隨喜Donations are welcome.   )
Courses selection D- 健康養生班 Health and Wellness
合唱團Fo Guang Choir ( 歡迎隨喜Donations are welcome. )
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學費 Tuition Fee *
-  英文佛學及禪修班 Meditation & English Dharma class:  歡迎隨喜Donations are welcome. 
-  瑜珈班(國語)Yoga Class (Mandarin) zoom class- CND 50
-  佛光合唱團Fo Guang Choir:  歡迎隨喜Donations are welcome. 
健康訊息(確保課程規劃符合每位學員的需求)General Health Condition *
1、 渥太華佛光山得以錄製、使用及分享活動之影音。換言之於課程進行中會錄製或影像截屏為後續課程之推廣所用。2、學員於上課時會注意確認自身的健康狀況及運動環境之安全。    環境之安全。(1) FO GUANG SHAN TEMPLE OF OTTAWA MEDIA POLICY: The photographs, images, video, and audio recordings taken during the course will be used for our administrative records and on the website or other media platforms for news releases or program promotions. For example, screenshots of the virtual classes. (2) Please monitor your health condition during the class and ensure that your exercise environment is safe. *
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