iOS and watchOS Development book bundle

App Development eBook Bundle

iOS 9 App Development Essentials + watchOS 2 App Development Essentials

Learn everything you need to know to develop apps for iOS 9 and watchOS 2. This bundle includes 140 chapters of in-depth information including detailed tutorials and sample code. Buy this eBook bundle today!

$19.99 | BUY eBOOK Bundle
PDF, ePub and Kindle versions included.
Preview iOS 9 Book
Preview watchOS 2 Book

What You'll Learn

Using Xcode

Get up to speed on installing the Xcode development environment and using it to develop iOS and watchOS apps.

Swift 2 Programming

Learn to develop apps using the Swift 2 programming language with easy to follow introductory chapters.

User Interface Design

Learn how to use UIKit and WatchKit to design and create responsive, animated and compelling user interface layouts.

Game Development

Everything you need to know to develop your first 2D iOS game using the SpriteKit framework.

Database Integration

Integrate database handling into your apps using SQLite, CloudKit and CoreData.

Much, Much Moreā€¦

With 140 in-depth chapters, over 1500 pages and 105 example apps (including source code), this eBook bundle is unparalleled.

E-book Bundle


Includes PDF, ePub and Kindle versions of both books.