This is the moment a group hurled themselves off a restaurant roof and into a pool amid spiralling trouble at a beauty spot.

The trespassing youths could be seen congregated on the rooftop of temporarily closed Miller & Carter in Sutton Park, Sutton Coldfield on Friday afternoon, June 26.

One of two shirtless boys was caught on camera mid-leap as he threw himself off the building and into Powell's Pool beneath the empty eatery.

The police were forced to attend the incident and the restaurant has had to close its car park to stop people using the building as a diving board.

But appalled residents say this isn't the only issue, with the attraction being used as a playground for anti-social behaviour as lockdown eases and temperatures rise.

In one shocking incident, ‘troublemakers’ asked to move on by a Sutton Park ranger pelted her with bottles on June 24 which prompted police to step up patrols.

West Midlands Police said it was also working alongside Birmingham City Council to enforce litter fines, stepping up park ranger patrols, focusing on exit and entrance points to the park and even paying officers overtime to police the area.

But despite this, recent photos show graffiti-clad signage alongside the gas cannisters and litter strewn across the scenic landmark.

And these are just a few of the worsening problems as yobs gather night after night to take 'hippy crack' and abuse the area all while breaching social distancing rules with large parties.

Miller and Carter roof used as diving board into Powell's pool in Sutton Park

One resident, who did not wish to be named, said: "There have been repeated occurrences of dangerous driving, food gas inhalation (cream chargers - nitrous oxide), alcohol drinking, littering, graffiti and high volume antics throughout the nights into the early hours.

"This is ruining the local beauty spot for law abiding citizens and attracting undesirables into the area. 

"Judging by the growing numbers and large groups, perhaps social media is playing its part as it appears there must be some form of advertising for others to travel to this area where it seems they can hold parties, get drunk, litter, swim in the pool, graffiti etc - all without concern for the law as they keep returning night after night in larger numbers."

Another resident added: "Yobs are not vacating the park at closing time, are speeding up and down Stonehouse Road doing handbrake turns etc until the early hours with no police intervention.

"Use of gas canisters in Miller & Carter, these drivers are driving under the influence but no police Breathalyzer checks. Yobs trespassing onto Miller & Carter in daylight and jumping off roof into Powell’s Pool. The list goes on."

The mess left behind 'night after night' as groups of 'yobs' return to Sutton Park to cause trouble

What did Miller & Carter say?

A spokesperson for Miller & Carter said: "The restaurant has had to put in a number of measures to deter them from returning, including the closure of the car park.

"Can confirm police were called to the property."

What did West Midlands Police say?

Neighbourhood Policing Manager Inspector Haroon Chughtai, said the 136 per cent increase in footfall at the park in recent weeks had led to a rise in litter and reports of 'alleged' anti-social behaviour.

In a full statement he said: "We have worked with Birmingham City Council to tackle these issues and they agreed at the start of the month to increase the number of park rangers and environmental health officers to enforce litter fines.

“The council estimates that park usage has increased by 136% in recent weeks and so we have put in place a minimum of two police patrols throughout the whole park in a day.

"Sutton Park is just one of a number of parks we police in the area, but due to its size and the number of reports we receive, we have committed our resources to provide a visible police presence in and around that area regularly.

Graffiti-clad signage in Sutton Park

“At significant times such as the change in lockdown restrictions at the start of the month, we increased the number of officers in the park even further and liaised with the council and youth workers to complete community outreach work there.

"We have focussed on all entrance and exit points of the park with our approach remaining on engaging and educating, with enforcing powers as a last resort. Our primary goal is to keep everyone safe.

“It’s not just about being in the park physically, we have worked with all relevant partner agencies such as our Safer Travel colleagues to ensure they are keeping an eye on the transport network around the area too and we also actively try to prevent and deter any illegal planned gatherings.

“We have paid overtime to officers to offer up their time to help police the area and it is no secret that we are often working with very limited resources.

"We continue to be committed to serve our local community and tackling any issues they raise, but this is alongside other priorities such as domestic abuse arrests, robberies, violent crime hotspots and drug dealing.

"As always, I would encourage anyone who notices any suspicious behaviour to contact police.”