My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

If you know anything about me through Social Media, you’d know I’ve been DYING to read My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite. I asked for it on every book giveaway and almost bought it at Barnes and Nobel. But, the day came where my library said it was on hold for me. I rushed home with this treasure and dug in. Well, it certainly wasn’t what I expected.

Set in Nigeria, Korede is a nurse, devoted to her patients and well-respected by her bosses. She is also always coming to the aid of her younger and more beautiful sister, Ayoola, who, as it happens, has a bad habit of killing her boyfriends.

One night Ayoola calls Korede to her boyfriend’s house, claiming self-defense she finds her boyfriend dead, stabbed to death. No matter what the facts are, who would disbelieve Ayoola? Korede is the sensible and logical one who takes charge of the situation. From cleaning up the blood, to disposing the body, Korede took care of it. It would be no surprise as this is the third boyfriend Ayoola has killed.

“Femi makes three, you know. Three and they label you a serial killer.”

Korede deep down inside is jealous and angry of her beautiful, yet flawed sister, but she always comes to her rescue. On the other hand her sister, Ayoola is self-absorbed and boasts her beauty, and couldn’t care less about the stress and burden she causes Korede. But Ayoola has now set her sights closer to Korede, Tade, a kind and handsome doctor she works with.

Tade is also the man Korede is secretly in love with, but she’s no match for Ayoola. Korede struggles with this internal tug of war, where she wants to reveal her sister’s secret, but she also wants to protect her. But what will happen if she doesn’t stop her sister?

So, my major flaw with this book is it’s too short. Shocking right? I felt like it went too fast and there could have been so much more. I wanted other details into Ayoola’s murders and even a back story as to why she kills. I was waiting for more, and it really just fell flat.

Where I really loved this book was its dark humor and satire. I absolutely love dark humor in books and movies. I know it goes over the heads of most people and can be very subtle. If you don’t pay attention to the writing by Braithwaite, you’d never see the stunningly dark humor of this book.

While I had high expectations for this book, I found both positive and negative aspects of My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite. I found the plot of this book is what drew me in; the characters were entertaining and charming; and the dark humor in the writing left me in awe. But, it honestly was too short and fell flat in the unraveling of the back story of Ayoola as a serial killer. I’m pretty much on the fence with this one. Not as good as I had hoped!


One comment

  1. I had read the blurb of this book elsewhere but somehow it didn’t make me want to read it despite been different and your review makes my suspicions somewhat right 🙂 enjoyed it!


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