
Animated Fire Embers & Sparks Photoshop Action

Animated Fire Embers & Sparks Photoshop Action

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Animated Fire Embers & Sparks Photoshop Action - Photo Effects Actions


  • Added alpha transparency
  • Added compatibility with the following animated effects:

Animated Fire Embers & Sparks is a pack containing 30 animated fire ember effects and sparks and a Photoshop action to place them, very easily, over your images.

The effects are perfectly looping (1 second duration) and come in various forms with different flowing directions.

Using the built-in PS action you can place any number of animated elements very easily over your photos and create looping 1 second animations that can be exported as animated GIF or as video.


  • 30 High-Quality Animated Elements

  • Import – Position Elements – Export

  • 4K Effect Resolution (3840×2160px)

  • Perfect Looping Effects

  • Multiple Effects in Your Scene

  • Guaranteed Production Quality

  • Permanent Customer Support

Please wait for the animated GIFs to load

Combine actions

You can create even more advanced animations by stacking up multiple animated effects that I created: Animated Fire Photoshop Action, Animated Energy Effects Photoshop Action and Animated Snow Photoshop Action

How do I combine actions?

  1. Run any desired animated action on your photo to place the effects in your scene
  2. Repeat the process with any action to place additional effects
  3. Save as animated GIF or render to video directly from Photoshop

Combine with Animated Fire, Animated Smoke & Fog and Animated Energy Effects Photoshop Actions:

Watch Video Tutorial

Artorius Actions

Artorius Photoshop Actions are designed to save you hours, days, weeks or even months of developing an effect technique and applying it to a photo. Now, the technique is instantly available to all your photos. If you want to know more about Artorius actions or encounter an error when using the action, contact me by e-mail: I will be happy to discuss your issue.

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