Monday 24 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey | Weaving a tall tale...

I would love to flax weave becuase it is fun and the finished product turns out fabulous. I am very interested in flax weaving as it is an amazing fun thing to do. Flax weaving does not only take your boringness away, it also takes some of your time if you have nothing to do. Flax weaving can also make amazing decoration ideas for your room or home. I've always wanted to do flax weaving. I have tried it outdoors but was always to busy to finish the pattern. Flax weaving is one of my favourite things to do outdoors or maybe inside. When I was little my house had a flax plant and I would always try to make patterns with them. Now I don't have any flax, so I try to do it with the carpets strings. I also make patters similar to the flax patterns to my hair or to my sisters hair. I really enjoy flax weaving.

LI. To tell people if you would like to do flax weaving and why or why not.
Today I completed the 1st activity for the 2nd day for the 2nd week of the SLJ. We had to tell if we would like to do flax weaving and tell why we would or why we wouldn't. We also had to tell kf we are interested in flax weaving. I enjoyed this activity because flax weaving is great.


  1. Hello again Farzana, thank you for completing another activity and sharing your thoughts on whether or not you would like to give flax weaving a go.

    It's great to read that you are so willing to try new things. Having an open mind is a terrific quality to have. I like that you've spoken about using different materials that you can weave with, such as carpet strings and your sister's hair... as long as your sister doesn't mind!

    What kinds of things would you like to make with flax weaving? I'd love to have one of those big, outdoor mats but I imagine that would take a really long time. This is where you need to be mentally tough!


  2. Hello Farzana! Great to hear that you would like to try weaving and I enjoyed reading why. You're right on how you can really let your creativity flow when flax weaving and have fun. Have you tried flax weaving with paper before? Keep it up!

  3. Hi Farzana!,
    Its great that you have completed this activity. Your right about how you can use the weaves to use it as decoration the house. If you had flax and weaved something what would it be?
    Fantastic Job!

  4. Hi Farzana,

    What an amazing blog post seen from you again. Thanks for sharing your learning about flaxing. It's good to hear that you want to flax. You have described a lot about flaxing with nice words.


  5. Greetings Farzana,

    What an amazing description you wrote. I really like how you choose to flax. Have you ever weaved in your life yet? I choose not to flax because it is confusing and hard to flax. It is also a great thing that you want to have a try to weave.

    Have you ever flax weave yet?


  6. Hi Farzana,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you said that you would want to try weaving because your finished products could look nice on the walls. I also liked how you said you like making patterns out of different things. Would you want to pursue flax weaving or any kind of weaving in the future as either a hobby or job?


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