3 Critical Skills to Step Beyond the Chaos For Your Maximum Impact!


3 Critical Skills to Step Beyond the Chaos 

For Your Maximum Impact!


Attention Business Leaders! 


  • Has your stress level been pushed to upper limits?
  • Are you juggling more problems than ever before?
  • Could your relationships benefit from some TLC?



Imagine Having…


  • A process to replicate effective problem solving through 7 steps
  • A system to help you read others and better relate so you are more influential AND have healthier relationships
  • Positive techniques to reduce your stress so you can live a happier and much healthier life



Click here to join the 3 Critical Skills

 6-session Virtual Program with coaching support!






It’s more difficult than ever to manage and reduce stress. And two areas that have exacerbated stress levels are mounting problems and relating to others which have become more challenging as many are working remotely and have fewer in-person interactions.

If your health and well-being is taking a toll and you’re ready to learn and implement some proven strategies, please keep reading.




But first, a warning!


As many as 90% of “sick” visits to physicians are due to stress-related conditions and illnesses.




There are 3 Emotional Intelligence skills that have been identified by your colleagues as the most critical for our times, to step beyond the chaos so you are getting more done, improve your relationships and reduce your stress.


Yes, there are many different skills that makeup Emotional Intelligence, actually 15, and after extensive interviews with professionals across different industries, including Human Resources, it became crystal clear that development in the following areas is essential to successfully navigate our challenging times.  This program focuses on all three:


Stress tolerance now more than ever, most professionals are “tapped out” and experiencing higher levels of stress.


So the ability to handle negative events and stressful situations and manage these times through active and positive techniques is a high priority.




Empathy at a time when communication has become compromised and many are relegated to the use of technology for meetings and more, reading others effectively is essential


Awareness, understanding others, caring about others, and suspending judgment goes a long way in enhancing communication for effective relationships.


Problem-Solving the fluid situation of our times and continual change reveals more challenges than ever.


So the ability to methodically confront, identify and define problems, as well as generate and implement effective solutions is critical, and for many organizations will determine their resiliency AND sustainability.


Why Emotional Intelligence Development?


In my extensive interviews, one HR Director shared:

More than 80% of her people derail or don’t last in their positions because of their deficient Emotional Intelligence, especially for those in management or leadership positions.



Emotional Intelligence skills can be learned and mastered!




Many people and organizations are craving ways to learn and grow during these times and do so in a way that is safe, convenient and at a great value.


VOILA! Creation of the virtual 6-session program WITH coaching support!


This 6-session program will help you with the following:


Empathy - Enhance awareness, understanding, and caring about others feelings

 So you may:

  • Better read and relate to others
  • Better collaborate, influence, negotiate and create more win-wins!
  • Reduce stress through fewer conflicts and misunderstanding


Problem-Solving - Learn the 7 steps of effective problem-solving 

So you may:

  • Have a process that can be replicated for each new challenge
  • Accomplish more
  • Reduce stress by better handling your challenges


Stress Tolerance - Identify triggers, accept them, and develop positive coping techniques

So you may:

  • Reduce stress levels
  • Improve your health
  • Live a more joyous life


Here’s what’s included in the program:

  • Five (5) live, virtual one-hour sessions of teachings and Q&A
  • All sessions will be recorded so you may listen if you miss a session, or listen again for deeper transformation
  • Online coaching in your private client log so you may get additional support and benefit from additional accountability
  • A private client portal for 24/7 access to resources and your coach
  • PLUS a 45-minute private coaching session to develop your personalized plan that will pave the way for your ongoing mastery
  • You will come out of this program with your personalized development plan to continue practicing your empathy, problem-solving and stress tolerance skills!


This program begins on January 7, 2021 at 4:00 PM EST


OR  If you would like a program for your organization, click here to email me








This program is for you if:

  • You're ready to implement an effective system and strategies each time a new problem arises
  • You're willing to have a deeper understanding of empathy and an effective checklist to apply so you may better read and relate to others
  • You're ready to dial down your stress level so you are happier, healthier, and live a more joyful life


This program is not for you if:

  • You successfully, happily and repeatedly navigate through your challenges
  • You are always bringing out the best in others, effectively influencing others, and your many relationships with others are healthy
  • Your stress level is in balance


What’s expected of you to participate?

    1. Honesty - You will need to be honest with yourself to fully receive and grow.  This includes challenging your beliefs and mindset, being vulnerable to share, humility to keep pride in check, and being your real and authentic self
    2. Open - You will need to be open to the viewpoints of your coach and others in the class.  Deep listening and turning off other devices during class time to fully receive and participate will maximize your experience.
    3. Willingness - You will need to be “all in” to show up and do the work between sessions.  Commitment is the key, NOT just being interested.  I want you to get out of your comfort zone to grow and experience transformation.  When you are Honest and Open, willingness will happen much more naturally.


What Is Your Time Commitment? 

  • One hour per session for each live session.  There will be a total of 5 one-hour sessions (see schedule breakdown below).  If you miss a session, no worries, they will be recorded; however, please prioritize time to fully show up for full benefit.
  • Spend 10-15 minutes per day reflecting upon class sessions and applying strategies through exercises you choose.  
  • OR, you may prefer to devote larger chunks of time, fewer times per week 
  • Communicate with your coach as you desire “just in time coaching”
  • One 45-minute private session with your coach to review your development plan and keep the momentum going




Session 1 (January 7, 2021, 4:00 PM):  Growth and success mindset/giving yourself an “A”/buckets to prioritize tasks/EQ and why it matters/beginning with the end in mind/SELF-ASSESSMENT and development plan


Session 2 (January 21, 2021, 4:00 PM):  Stress Tolerance – self-care/identifying triggers/acceptance/strategies/intentionality, repetition and accountability/Exercises


Session 3 (February 4, 2021, 4:00 PM):  Empathy – building trust/checklist/communication response styles/platinum rule/Exercises


Session 4 (February 25, 2021, 4:00 PM) :  Problem-solving/7 step process checklist/getting out of your head/primary thought processing/Exercises


Session 5 (March 11, 2021, 4:00 PM):  Integration of 3 EQ skills and reinforcement


Session 6:  Conclude with your private 45-minute coaching session to do a self-assessment of your progress and review your development plan to maintain your momentum


BONUS PRIZE:  Every student’s name will be entered into a drawing for the EQi 2.0, an assessment to measure your level of Emotional Intelligence in 15 skill areas.  Debrief session included, value = to $500!



Why Study with Me?

Greetings!  I first became interested in Emotional Intelligence right after reading the seminal book that started the revolution, back in 1995. Then I started using EQ strategies with my faculty and staff when I was a college dean and it helped me to be a much more effective leader. And since 2010, EQ has been my passion, specialty and main strategy with my coaching and consulting clients. I keep striving to learn more on EQ!  I also received my EQi certification to administer and interpret what is recognized as the gold standard assessment, backed by decades of rigorous research. In short, I love EQ and know that developing it can make good leaders GREAT! 


More About Doni...

For more than 20 years, Dr. Doni Landefeld has helped leaders transform their performance, initially in academic institutions as an Academic Dean and more recently as a coach consultant and owner of Metamorphosis Coaching.  She has passionately held numerous leadership positions, both formally in organizations and currently in her community serving as Board President for the Gulf Coast Symphony, on the Education Committee for the Cape Coral Chamber of Commerce and as Chair for "Taste of the Cape," an event that draws more than 10,000 annually to raise money for scholarships and musical outreach in Southwest Florida.  She is creator and author of "Lead Yourself First, 30 practices to strategically help all leaders."  Doni's work was the feature story for the February 2017 issue of "Gulf Coast Woman."  One of her new offerings in sharing and selection services, including assessments and behavioral profile interviewing to help organizations hire right the first time and promote from within.  




 Emotional Intelligence training delivered by a credentialed and experienced facilitator can be expensive!



  • Skilled delivery on the complex topic of EI is best done by a facilitator who has a combination of education, training, experience, and certification


  • Yes, there are courses out there as cheap as $15.99.  But you get what you pay for and these experiences do not include the full gamut of education, real-time classes, AND coaching support from a certified and credentialed authority.  Most universities, consultants and trainers charge $1500 for a similar program  


  • And these programs do not include in-between support or individual coaching sessions.



I will be offering this program in the future at $1997.  


Right now, I’m accepting students for this pilot program for just $497 (a 75% savings!)


  • My private clients invest upwards of $9450 for these types of results.
  • Most Ph.D. level consultants, coaches and trainers would charge $1500 for a program like this AND wouldn’t include coaching support between classes


What is it costing you or your employees in their health, interpersonal relationships and the ability to maximize productivity that sustains and nourishes during these challenging times?



Often, I hear these concerns...


 “I don’t have enough time”

Time is indeed a valuable and limited commodity, AND, those who are committed to growth and improvement will schedule their priorities and be “all in” to maximize their results.  And investing in yourself now may save a lot of time in your future!


“I don’t have enough money”

What will it cost you in the coming weeks if you decide to do just nothing and hope your problems and stress level will self-correct?  Many people have budgets for a big screen TV but never prioritize their own growth and development so they may achieve their potential and truly be happy and fulfilled.


“I don’t trust myself to do the work”

You will not only have your coach to support and hold you accountable; you will also have your classmates.  Commitments when made public are more likely to be done.



Here's what our clients are saying:


Doni has vision, a very positive personality, and is full of enthusiasm and energy.  She accepts challenges and confronts obstacles by breaking them down into easy, attainable goals.  Doni has been a great mentor and enjoys working through and helping you achieve your goals; her attitude is “can do.”  Her follow-through skills are superior and Doni is a person who is committed to helping you achieve what you want in life, both personally and professionally.  She is down-to-earth, easy to talk to and always stays on top of goals. – Nikki Gaston, Elkins Park, PA



Doni is a natural. Her coaching skills are exceptional.  She is a true motivator and always encouraging, a true results-oriented professional at all times. G. Achilles, Philadelphia, PA



Doni’s “Lead Yourself First” cards have provided me much help through the years!  I use them both personally and professionally and to first get MY head right…then, I am whole to lead my team of 30.  I’ve found that I reference them over and over again and always find some kind nugget of wisdom that I can apply to the exact struggle I'm facing on that particular day!  These cards have been of immeasurable importance to me! - Dr. Mel Youngs, D.C., P.A., Dr. Mel Youngs DC, PA Chiropractic Physicians and Wellness


I enjoyed how Doni made us feel safe to share in our group format and not feel judged.  Thank you for that.  She was very detailed and powerful!  - M.B., Ft. Myers




You can get started for just $497 today!

Get in on the ground floor of an experience that has been completely customized for our chaotic times AND help influence the content as “pilot students” and get extra attention and support.





Recap of what you will receive:

  • 5 one-hour lessons
  • Recording of all lessons in case you must miss or so you may listen again
  • Private client portal to access all materials and your coach
  • Coaching support in-between lessons
  • A private 45-minute coaching session to evaluate your progress and development plan to maintain momentum
  • Extra attention and support as ‘founding students’ of this pilot program offered to only the first 10 who reserve their spot
  • Your personalized development plan to continue practicing your empathy, problem-solving and stress tolerance skills!


This program begins on January 7, 2021 


OR  If you would like to a program for your organization, click here to email me




If you’re ready to get the tools and coaching support to reduce your stress, bring out the best in others, and more effectively solve the fires that are thrown your way, sign up now



Enrollments are closing on Friday, December 18th and are limited to 10 spots


Early Bird special:  Register before November 20th and receive an additional 40 minute strategy session to use before or after kickoff of this program 


Click Here to Reserve Your Spot and NOT be one of the 80% who derails due to EQ deficiencies.






P.S. Don't forget I'll be entering your name into a drawing to receive your own EQ-I 2.0 workplace assessment - the gold standard Emotional Intelligence assessment including a debrief coaching session (this session is in addition to the session you get with the course).

This is first-come, first-served...

Join now! 




Contact me directly at 239-540-1219 or email me at donilandefeld@themetamorphosiscoach.com.