Cannabis Brand Building 101

Are you a cannabis entrepreneur? Do you want to build a successful cannabis brand? Well, you’re not alone. Cannabis companies and entrepreneurs of all sizes face the same challenge: brand building.

Welcome to an introduction to the world of cannabis brand building. To stand out from the competition, you need to understand what a brand is and how you can use it to create a highly recognized cannabis business.

This article will delve into the basics of building a cannabis brand. It’ll also go over some essential do’s, and some don’ts to avoid while branding.

Let’s get started.


What Is a Brand?

In essence, a brand is a lens through which a potential customer views a company or service. This broad term envelops everything from a company’s products to its values and personality.


Building the Cannabis Brand

The cannabis industry is highly competitive. It is also tightly regulated. This makes creating a successful brand more challenging. Cannabis entrepreneurs must understand the myriad of regulations that surround cannabis. They must also find a way to stand out in a competitive industry.

Brand building is more than just a logo, packaging, or tagline. A successful brand today is the experience that your customers have with your company at a cannabis dispensary.

The consumers of today demand value more than ever.


Cannabis Design

Customer recognition is one of the most valuable assets of any business. Therefore, your cannabis brand needs to be represented by competent design.

  • An excellent logo evokes deep emotion and builds awareness.
  • Attract customers with a robust online presence.
  • Build trust with a user-friendly website layout.
  • Use packaging as an engagement opportunity.
  • Implement unified fonts and colors across your sales and marketing materials.

Do: Keep it clean and simple. Use images and colors that reflect brand values.

Don’t: Avoid exaggerated fonts, colors, and images.

Design is one of the most influential tools at your disposal. Use it wisely.


Forget about selling products. Focus on educating your audience instead. For some, cannabis remains unknown and there are still many misconceptions about cannabis. Others enjoy cannabis training and interacting with anything related to it.

  • Educate to expand your user base.
  • Use content to provide value to any audience.
  • Create blogs, infographics, checklists, and guides.
  • Increase comfort level with cannabis.
  • Increment likelihood of purchases.

Do: Create information that is relevant, useful, and digestible

Don’t: Use controversial or difficult-to-understand concepts.

Educating your audience will stimulate interest in your brand.



Deploy the power of social media. You can engage with your customers with something as simple as a commentary or provide them with a multimedia experience. Use social media to compile information about the age, gender, and interests of your audience.

  • Choose from a variety of platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, and others.
  • Reach new customers and build a relationship.
  • Gather data to implement new marketing plans.

Do: Listen to your audience’s needs and wants.

Don’t: Create negative experiences for customers.

Your target demographic is out there on a social network. Find them.



Your customers are looking for you. Make it easy for them to find you. SEO increases web traffic to your website. It places you at the top of the search engine listings. Search engine optimization makes your site more accessible to the index for search engines like Google or Yahoo.

  • Implement customer keywords and meta tags.
  • Provide important links to relevant industry sources.
  • Update your website regularly.

Do: Stay up to date on changes in SEO algorithms.

Don’t: Use keyword stuffing and stale content.



The cannabis industry is always in flux. Develop the mindset of setting trends instead of following them.

  • Experiment to discover new ways to reach audiences.
  • Use viral marketing techniques to amplify reach.

Do: Think differently.

Don’t: Do what everyone else is doing.

Cannabis is an entirely new industry. Take advantage of it.



The cannabis industry is rife with opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, too many cannabis brands venture into this new frontier unprepared for the challenges ahead.

Cannabis brand building is not for the faint of heart. The most famous brands in the world all have one thing in common: authenticity.

Will yours?

Let us know what you think.

