Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

I honestly didn’t think it was possible to enjoy Rachel Hollis’ second book Girl, Stop Apologizing more than her first Girl, Wash Your Face!

I’ve just finished reading this book at work during my break and I’m in awe! I really needed this book in my life right now! From making personal goals and following through, to not apologizing for those same goals! Like Rachel says in her book:

“You can make the time to pursue your goals, and you have to do it now. Why now? Because if not now, then when?”

The way Rachel approaches her books is to give the reader shared excuses we should let go of if we want to accomplish our goals. Through her own experiences, and even mistakes, you’re given ways to face your goals head on!

The one chapter in this book that I highlighted and marked up the most was “Embrace Your Ambition” which I seriously have trouble with in my life right now. I have so much drive and ambition to accomplish my career goals right now, I feel like I’m bursting to shout it from the tree tops. Another line from Rachel’s book that really spoke to me was:

“You need to adopt a posture of striving to grow in the ways that matter to your goal.”

With all this ambition and desire to accomplish these goals, I need to build my foundation for my own success and plan how I see myself getting there. Many of the tools Rachel outlines in her book are the stepping-stones for girls and women alike to achieve the goals and dreams many of us have, been putting on pause, or even cancelling. Just like Rachel’s last chapter says, you need to believe in yourself:

“It’s time to stop apologizing for who you are. It’s time to become who you were made to be.”

I couldn’t praise Rachel’s first book enough to my friends, family, followers and colleagues enough, but I truly think everyone should go get Girl, Stop Apologizing March 12 when it comes out! It really is a life changing book!

Thanks to GoodReads and Harper Collins for this advanced copy! There’s a long line of eager readers from my Atlanta Social Club book club wanting to get their hands on this!




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