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Astrology of Mueller’s testimony

Robert Mueller's dual Wednesday testimonies were, by most accounts, a total disaster for Democrats hoping to bolster the case for impeaching President Trump. Not only were there no smoking guns, Mueller's stumbling, fumbling, confused performance alone was a massive backfire for Democrats looking to spotlight the former FBI Director - whose 'stellar reputation' as a career public servant melted away to reveal a befuddled old man who was clearly unfamiliar with his own report.  Jul.24

In a previous post Jupiter-Neptune: Failure following over extension, [1] dt. June 24, 2019,  I wrote:

Expansive Jupiter and delusional Neptune, two of the most idealistic and no-limits planets,  lock into three tension-fueled squares (90-degree angles) in 2019. On  June 16, the second of the three squares sets up a  cosmic clash that  stirs up confusion and delusion, snapping us out of denial with uncomfortable but necessary reality checks. Most often there is over extension followed by failures.  But  since Jupiter and Neptune are slow moving planets the square is active in roughly the entire period of  June and July. Moreover, at Washington DC, the current New Moon chart, the Cancer Ingress chart as well the US Sibly solar return have the square prominently placed on the angles implying that the US will definitely feel its influence.

The  Sibly solar return is reproduced here. Note the Jupiter-Neptune square straddling the horizon axis. Robert Mueller (b. 7 Aug. 1944) has his natal Mars [16vi] conjunct the Sibly return Ascendant [16vi]. Yesterday transit Sun [1le] reached a conjunction to Mars-Mercury in the Sibly return making hard aspects to the Ascendant, Mueller’s Mars and of course the Jupiter-Neptune square.

In astrology, Mercury is the messenger planet of communication, calculation and language, logic and rationality, neutrality and impartiality. Loss of memory is most closely associated with the planet Neptune and the sign Pisces because it deals with those fuzzy areas of our conscious awareness . Together, their interaction can  lead to irrationality and departures from accuracy and reality. The combination  has been  associated with impracticality, delusions, myth-making, tall tales, unreliable narrators, media propaganda, conspiracy theories, distractions, frauds, hoaxes, absurdism, surrealism, nonsense, inspiring or deceptive language. This planetary pair has an interesting correlation with some of the major players and entities contributing to the current Post-Truth era of political discourse disconnected from discernible facts and reality.

 Ebertin gives the following interpretation:

Mars-Neptune-Mercury:  Weakness; failures caused through lack of energy. With Mercury…weakness of mind; falsehoods and underhand behavior.

The Sibly solar return Ascendant is conjunct Mueller’s natal Mars and  the star  Asterion (Chara) the Beta star of Canes Venatici, the barking dogs. Nick Fiorenza describes this area as that of  political  figureheads manipulating the affairs of the world. The constellation Canes Venatici symbolizes  the diversionary tactics  of commotion and grand spectacle of political illusionists. 
