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Why The China Trade Deal Fell Apart

Readers who have been paying close attention to every leak related to the ongoing US-China trade talks might remember this FT story from six weeks ago about Beijing's penchant for returning trade-deal draft proposals to Washington riddled with red-line stikeouts. We only bring it up now because, according to a play-by-play published by Reuters Wednesday morning, it appears President Trump finally lost his patience with Beijing when they returned a draft trade deal with strikeouts eliminating virtually all of the major concessions made during the past few weeks.

Venus in Aries is moving through a square to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Being the ruler of Libra, Venus is linked to adaptability so that it has come to preside over unions and peaceful resolution to conflicts.

However, in Aries, Venus is in Mars’ territory.  Although force, conviction and energy abound, there is little harmony in the home of the war god. Aries is considered to be one of the more difficult Signs for Venus. Astrological tradition states that Venus is in her “detriment” in Aries, meaning that it is difficult for the planet’s essential energy to manifest through the matrix of the Sign.  Each sign represents an energy pattern, and in Aries, the pattern concentrates energy on the self in order manifest the self’s potential.  It is not a cooperation-based stage of development.  Moreover, here Venus is square the uncompromising planets Saturn and Pluto.

In his book “The Combination of Stellar Influences,” Ebertin gives the following interpretation:

Venus- (Saturn/Pluto): Estrangement and alienation.

Presented here is the chart for the exact Venus-Saturn square drawn for Washington, DC.  As always alignments with the horizon or meridian axes are the ones to focus on. Notice that Neptune occupies the MC and forms a T-square with the Mars-Jupiter opposition. Once again referring to Ebertin we have the following interpretation:

Neptune – (Mars/Jupiter) :  A hopeless relationship; failures; plans without a chance of realization.

That neatly sums up the cosmic energies that are “causing” the failure of  the trade talks.

Can it be a coincidence that Donald Trump’s natal Sun [23ge] is conjunct Mars [24ge] in the Mars-Jupiter opposition shown above?
