【一「跑」而「熊」】有獎遊戲 活動條款及細則

  1. 參加者必須按參加步驟完成遊戲(“本活動”),方可參加本活動。
  2. 本活動由 Hong Kong Express Airways Limited (“HK Express”) 舉辦(下稱“主辦單位”),與 Facebook無關,並沒有由 Facebook贊助、支持或管理。
  3. 本活動於 2019 年 8 月 16 日下午 3 時正 (GMT+8) 開始,並於 2019 年 8 月 22 日下午 11 時 59 分 (GMT+8) 結束 (“活動期限”) 。得獎名單將於 2019 年 8 月 30 日或之前於 HK Express 官方 Facebook 專頁 (http://www.facebook.com/hkexpress) 宣佈,HK Express 會於個別得獎留言下通知得獎者。
  4. 參加者必須年滿 十八(18)歲。
  5. 於本活動期限內,參加者必須以個人Facebook帳號登記,並按指示參加活動,方能參加遊戲並有機會得獎:

    步驟一:讚好 HK Express 官方 Facebook 專頁
    步驟三:在 HK Express 官方 Facebook 專頁遊戲帖子的留言欄內分享你的答案,並標記兩個朋友。


    例子:我最想喺熊本由北熊本站跑到去上熊本站,因為有機會遇到Kumamon電車運行,就好似同熊本熊一齊跑咁!@朋友A @朋友B 你哋呢?

    HK Express 將選出最有心思的十四 (14) 位參加者,得獎者可以獲得《KUMA Fun Run Hong Kong 2019》1.5公里繽紛跑名額一個及精美禮品包一套。
  6. 所有資料(包括但不限於答案、照片等)(“該等資料”)於遞交後將不得作出任何更改。所安有該等資料均以網上登記之記錄為準,任何錯誤或不完整的資料將被視作無效,對是否接納參加者提交之資料,HK Express 有絕對決定權。若本活動所填寫之該等資料不實或不正確,導致得獎者無法收到得獎通知及活動獎品,HK Express 恕不負責。
  7. 本活動如有任何因電腦、網絡、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於 HK Express 之事由,而使參加者所遞交之該等資料或得獎通知遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致該等資料無效或參加者失去參賽資格之情況,HK Express 不負任何法律責任及/或損失。
  8. 參加者只可遞交答案一次,若遞交多於一次,此參加者會失去參賽資格,而任何該等資料將視作無效。
  9. 活動期限外的所有提交均視作無效。
  10. 參加者提交的參賽作品須為參加者的原創作品。
  11. 所有參賽作品須由參加者提供,參賽作品不得涉及暴力、色情、不雅用語、人身攻擊、謾罵、歧視、敏感題材及其他不適當之內容。
  12. 參加者必須保證提供的所有登記資料均絕對真實、準確及完整。
  13. 個人資料一經提交,將不能作任何更改。
  14. 如因參加者者提供的個人資料不符及/或錯誤致令 HK Express 無法核對參加者的身分,HK Express將不會負上任何責任或作任何形式的補償。
  15. 若用戶疑有任何舞弊或欺詐行為(由HK Express 全權決定),HK Express 有權取消該用戶的參加資格。
  16. HK Express 保留對有關答案撤銷之絕對最終權利。如因參賽答案引起任何責任問題,HK Express 絕對有權刪除不合主題及不適合答案或取消該參加者之參加資格,而無須另行通知。
  17. 任何該等資料一旦提交,就表示參加者已閱讀及同意受此條款及細則和其他有關的條款及細則 (https://www.hkexpress.com/zh-hk/need-help/conditions-carriage) 約束,包括同意 HK Express 以參加者所提交的任何該等資料(不包括個人資料)作商業用途。
  18. HK Express 不會就遊戲及/或獎品作出保證。獎品一經領取後,若有破壞、遺失或被竊,HK Express 恕不補發及/或補償。
  19. 所有獎品均不能轉讓或兌換現金或換取 HK Express 的任何產品/服務,不論是否賺取利潤。
  20. 參加者在本活動內提供的個人資料僅會由 HK Express 使用,在參加者勝出領獎時將會與該勝出參加者聯絡。任何個人資料將由 HK Express 予以適當的保護及存檔並按 HK Express 根據香港特別行政區(“香港”)法律而製之私隱政策儲存,詳情請閱:https://www.hkexpress.com/zh-hk/need-help/privacy
  21. 為確保公平,任何 HK Express 、其成員公司及其代理廣告公司之所有員工和家屬均不能參加本活動。
  22. HK Express 有權不時修改本條款及細則,並不予以任何通知。
  23. 如有任何爭議,HK Express 保留最終解釋及決定權。
  24. 如本條款及細則之中、英文版本有任何差異或不一致,概以英文版本為準。
  25. 如本條款及細則中的任何條款無論因何種原因完全或部分無效或不具有執行力,或違反任何適用的法律,本條款及細則的其餘條款或部分仍應有效並且有約束力。
  26. 本條款及細則均受香港法律約束;而香港法院亦對本條款及細則有專屬管轄權。

Bear-tastic Run with Captain KumamonGiveaway Terms & Conditions

  1. Participants must follow all instructions listed in the contest for participating in the promotion (“Promotion”).
  2. This Promotion is organized and held by Hong Kong Express Airways Limited (“HK Express”). It is not sponsored, supported nor managed by Facebook.
  3. The Promotion begins at 3:00pm on 16 August 2019 (HKT) and ends at 11:59pm on 22 August 2019 (HKT) (“Promotion Period”). Results will be announced on HK Express Facebook Official Page (http://www.facebook.com/hkexpress) on or before 30 August 2019, HK Express will notify winners under the comment section individually.
  4. All participants must be aged 18 or above.
  5. During the Promotion Period, participants must register their personal Facebook account and follow the instructions below:

    Step 1: Like HK Express Official Facebook Page
    Step 2: Like and share this post
    Step 3: Leave a comment to tell us your favourite running place in Kumamoto and its reason.

    Question: “I want to go for a run in ___ because ____.”

    Example: I want to go for a run along Kita-Kumamoto Station all the way to Kumamoto Station because it’s where I’d bump into Captain Kumamon, the iconic mascot being featured on the train! What about you? @FriendA @FriendB

    HK Express will select fourteen (14) participants who complete all the requirements listed in the instructions with the most impressive answers as winners. Winners will be entitled to one “KUMA Fun Run Hong Kong” 1.5km Fun Run quota and one set of premium gifts.
  1. All information (including but not limited to answers, photos etc.) (“Relevant Information”) provided by participants cannot be changed after submission. Records of all Relevant Information submitted through internet shall prevail. Any entry containing false, duplicate and/or incomplete information will be disqualified. If winners are unable to receive winning notifications or cannot redeem the prize due to any false, incomplete or incorrect information provided, HK Express shall -not be held liable or responsible for any compensation .
  2. If the Relevant Information submitted through internet or prize notification in  relation the Campaign is lost, inaccurate, illegible or damaged due to any computer, network, telephone or technical issues which are not attributed to the default of HK Express and such Relevant Information is thereby  void and render disqualification of the participant , HK Express shall not be held liable  for any  
  3. Each participant can only submit one (1) entry.
  4. Entries submitted outside the Promotion Period will not be accepted .
  5. The entry submitted by a participant (“Entry”), in its entirety, must be a single work of original material taken by the participant.
  6. Entries should not promote sexually explicit material, violence or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; infringe any copyright, database right or trademark of any other person.
  7. All participants must ensure that all information provided should be true, accurate and complete.
  8. Participants are not allowed to amend any personal data after submission.
  9. HK Express will not be held liable for any compensation in case that HK Express cannot verify the identity of the participant due to incorrect and/or inaccurate personal information provided by the participant.
  10. Any participant who, in the opinion of HK Express, commit and/or are suspected to commit any fraud, or fails to comply with the rules and/or policies, will be disqualified from participating in the Promotion.
  11. HK Express shall have the final decision to any dispute relating to the entries and absolute discretion to disqualify any of the participants if inappropriate entries are found without prior notice.
  12. All participants will be deemed to have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions and other terms and conditions at https://www.hkexpress.com/en-hk/need-help/conditions-carriage, including HK Express’ usage of the Relevant Information (excluding personal information) for commercial purpose.
  13. HK Express makes no warranties in respect of the game and/or the prizes. Once the prizes have been redeemed, HK Express shall have no responsibility of rearranging and/or compensating in relation to the prizes including any damages to it, torn or otherwise.
  14. All prizes are not transferrable and are not redeemable for cash or for resale purposes, whether with the intent to make profit or not.
  15. Personal information provided in and for the activity will only be used by HK Express as a point of contact should the participant win the prizes. Any such personal information provided by such winning participant will be kept and secured by HK Express in an appropriate manner subject to HK Express’ Privacy Policy in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) available at https://www.hkexpress.com/en-hk/need-help/privacy.
  16. To ensure fairness, all staff and their family members of HK Express or of its group companies or of the related sponsors are not eligible to participate in the Promotion.
  17. These Terms and Conditions are subject to change without any notification from time to time.
  18. In case of any dispute, the interpretation and decision of HK Express shall be final.
  19. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
  20. If any provision, or portion thereof, of these Terms and Conditions is held to be unenforceable or invalid by any applicable laws, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provision, or portions of these Terms and Conditions, shall not be affected.
  21. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong; and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.